Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of the front door opening downstairs. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Where they back already? I looked to my alarm clock to find it was 9am. That's too early for a Saturday.. 'maybe if I pretend to be asleep they won't bother me.' I turn back over and cover my head with the blanket.
"Y/N!" Moms voice rang out from downstairs. I groaned and pulled the pillow over my face. It was quiet for a moment, until the door creaked open with my moms hand on the handle.
"Honey, we're back" she cooed.
"Go away, I'm ignoring you" I huffed. Her smile fell before she went and sat on the edge of the bed.
"I know your upset about us leaving again.. but we promise no more trips" with a jolt I pushed the blanket off of me, my hair all frizzy and messy.
"You always say that! We moved so you wouldn't have to leave! But that was just another empty promise!" Normally I'd apologize for saying something like that, but I was too mad at her to say sorry. She sighed, her frown growing bigger.
"I know, we are working on it" I hugged my legs and just stared out the window.
"When aren't you working..?" Mom took the hint and left. But before she closed the door she said
"There's a gift for you downstairs when your ready" then she closed the door with a click. I felt like tearing my hair out I was so mad. Why does she even bother? It's not like I'll forgive her just like that because she got me a gift. Buttering me up is useless. Maybe stop leaving your kid home alone for a week and maybe I'll start forgiving you.

I stayed in my room all day before going down to look at the gift. I wasn't as mad as I was this morning but I still wasn't peachy. There was a box on the table, a pretty small one too. When I opened it, inside was a snow globe. It looked like some kind of crystal or icicle inside it. Underneath was a little handle thing. When I winded it up it started to play music, making the snow globe light up blue as snow danced around the icicle. It was nice, but certainly no apology gift. I walked back upstairs to my room and placed it on a shelf with several other snow globes. With a sigh I sat back onto my bed. When I looked at my clock it turned out it was 7pm, sunset. This was a perfect excuse to get out of here and hopefully see that mystery boy. We had another fighting session planned for today too. After setting my bed up to hide my absence I got dressed and headed out through the window.

I found myself waiting quite awhile for him. I was starting to lose hope until I heard footsteps behind me.
"Took you long enough. Had some date to finish up, edge lord?" I turned around to look at him.
"Hey it's not my fault you were early, don't get too eager"
"The only thing I was eager about was getting out of my house. The last thing I needed was an interaction with my parents." It seemed like he was gonna comment on it but chose not to.
"Well either way, I've decided we aren't doing lessons today."
"Aw what? Why?" There was no way I was heading back home just yet.
"Because I wanted you to meet a few friends of mine." Oh no- he wasn't talking about..

"coon and friends headquarters. Coon said I shouldn't be offering training to randos on the street, so I offered to introduce you to the team."
"Woah woah woah woah, you- talk about me??"
"Why wouldn't I? How else will people know about you?" I didn't want to be known, I mostly did this as an excuse to get out of the house. Before I could respond the 'leader' walked up to me.
"Ah, you must be torch." Ugh, he's doing his weird formal tone as if he runs this place. Anyone could take his place in a heartbeat. Hell even butters could.
"No shit sherlock." Mysterion nudged me and mouthed the words
'Be nice' I sighed before changing my attitude
"Thank you for considering putting me in coon and friends etcetera etcetera"
"I suppose that's better" coon rolled his eyes.
"Now, welcome to coon and friends. Thanks to mysterion here we don't have a choice whether to include you or not. He showed you our secrets so now your forced to join" I hate the way he talks like he's some authority figure. I oughta kick him right in his-
"I know, I know. It truly is an honor, but don't get your hopes up. You have to earn my friendship" I can't help but roll my eyes.
"Mysterion, show torch around HQ. I have better things to attend to" 'coon' said before heading upstairs.
"I bet he's going up to his room to baby rage"
"Be nice, he's our leader." Mysterion started to walk around the HQ, showing me all the different things.
"Correction, he's your leader. I'm not gonna do anything that fuckmunch tells me to." I pick up a rusted fidget spinner and tried to spin it, but the rust kept it stiff.
"The coon is the only thing keeping the town safe. if it weren't for him assembling coon and friends, professor chaos would've taken over the world." Oh my god he's serious. I can't help but chuckle
"Listen to yourself! If anything coon is the menace to society. The guy can't go a day without fucking someone over. Have fun living in your delusional world, I'm going home." I turn to leave. Surprisingly I didn't hear anything from him.

When I got home it was completely silent. They must've gone to bed. I took off my suit and put it in the box under my bed. I can't believe mysterion actually trusts cartman. And here I thought we could've been friends..

Till death do us part (mysterion x reader) (REBOOT)Where stories live. Discover now