The Cat's Out of the Bag

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Behold readers—a new chapter. Also, I still don't own the rights to RWBY or The Flash. So please don't sue me.

Third Person Pov:

All is well in Vale since the Flash appeared a few months ago; crime is falling steadily, people feel safer in the streets. But one man is furious about the Flash's appearance. This man is Roman Torchwick, a criminal mastermind by trade and master thief extraordinaire. So far, the Flash has managed to stop several of his robberies, causing his reputation to suffer.

"Neo, how much lien do we have to spare?" Roman asks his partner in crime, a woefully short woman wielding an umbrella.

"A lot," mimes the woman.

"Good, because I'm gonna have someone take care of an issue in our plans," he says, taking his scroll off the table. He dials a number and waits.

"What do you want, Torchwick?" the voice asks.

"Junior, I'm calling to place a bounty on someone who's been interfering with my business. The Flash. One million dead, five million alive so I can kill the son of a bitch myself."

"You sure you have that kind of cash lying around? After all, word on the street is you're getting rusty," the voice, now identified Junior, says.

"Believe me, I have more than enough to pay the person that brings in the bastard," Roman says with a smug grin on his face.

"Fine, I'll get the word out, but it'll take some time for people to sack up and hunt the guy down."

"No matter, I'll just go about my business for now. Not like the Flash will be able to stop what I have planned this time."

Y/n Pov:

'Why did I decide to tag along with team RWBY? Oh, right. I was promised food. THAT I STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN!!! But do we really have to be at the docks? I feel like King Shark is gonna jump out and try to eat me... Again'

"Can someone remind me why we're spending our Friday at the docks? Because I was promised food if I came with and haven't even gotten a bag of trail mix."

"Of course, the only thing you'd remember would be the promise of food," Weiss says.

"Oh gee, maybe it's because it's vital to my continued existence or something like that. I dunno I'm not a friggin doctor. But since you still haven't answered my question. Why the hell are we here?"

"Hmmph. If you listened to me the first time, you'd know that we're here because I heard students from Vacuo are arriving by ship, and as representatives of Beacon, I feel it is our duty to welcome them to Vale."

"She wants to spy on them so we can have the upper hand in the tournament," Blake says with zero hesitation.

"You can't prove that," Weiss says, incriminating herself.

"Your reaction says otherwise, Princess."

"What will it take for you to stop calling me that?"

"Behaving like a Huntress and not a snot-nosed princess. Remember, the world owes you nothing. High heels and ponytails are impractical in a fight, and you're not perfect, so stop acting like you are."

"Whoa, what happened here?" Ruby asks. Deciding to end my argument with Weiss, I turn my head to see what got her attention. I wish I didn't.

Two detectives from the kingdom's police department are standing in front of a dust shop that was recently robbed if the state it's in is an indicator. Broken glass on the street, empty shelves, and I'm guessing any cameras inside are busted. I enter flashtime and look around the shop, making sure not to disturb any cops inside. All the dust is gone. The crates in the storage room are missing too.  The door is lying on the floor, its hinges and parts of the wall broken and scattered across it. Someone was impatient and kicked the door down. There's a couple of boot prints in different sizes. They all have the same pattern, an organized group, my guess, the White Fang, based on their recent activity. What about cash? I speed over to the safe and count it all, then the register, all before checking to see who has the list with the amount of cash this place had. 'Weird, there's not a single cent missing, and the safe and register weren't touched by whoever broke in. Why take the dust but not go for the cash? Unless they don't need the cash and are prepping for something else. An attack on the city?'

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