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Disclaimer: I don't own the copyright to RWBY. If I did, the characters wouldn't be so traumatized. And if I owned the rights to the Flash, well, again, less trauma... Maybe.

Y/n Pov:

"Y..n? Y....n? Y/n? Y/n, where are you!?"

I hear someone call out to me. I can't tell who it is because the ringing in my ears makes it hard to distinguish what sound is coming from where. And my head feels like Superman used it as a punching bag.

I open my eyes and see a bunch of nothing. Only the tiniest cracks of light are making it past... whatever is on me. I try to move up, but a burning pain on the right side of my abdomen makes me stop and scream in pain.

'Shit... My aura must have shattered during the crash. And judging by how much my right side hurt when I moved. I'd say I got impaled. Great. If I had a nickel for every time I got impaled on another planet, I'd have two nickels. It's not a lot, but it's annoying that it happened twice on the same one.'

"Guys, I think I heard him over here," another voice says. "He sounds like he's hurt!" Oh, I recognize the voice now. It's Yang.

"I'm over here!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

"Y/n!" Ruby shouts. She's the one I heard when I woke up.

Suddenly whatever was on top of me starts moving. Dust and rocks start falling, and the pitiful amount of light slowly increases. I can hear Team RWBY straining to move what I now recognize as concrete. Yeah, that's better to lift as a group. After a stressful thirty seconds, my eyes are assaulted by sunlight. I move my hand in front of my face and start blinking as my eyes adjust to the brightness.

"Oh god," I hear Blake say.

I look at where my side hurts and see a piece of rebar lodged in me like I'm some sort of human pin cushion.

"It looks worse than it is," I say. "As long as I don't pull it out, I won't bleed out." I chuckle. "Although the surgery is gonna hurt like a bitch. I doubt Remnant has a powerful enough anesthesia to keep me under long enough for the doctors to patch me up."

"You've got some blood right around," Ruby gestures to the left side of her forehead.

I wipe the area and feel that the wound has already closed. 'I guess my healing factor didn't kick in fast enough to stop the blood, but I'll take what I can get.' I grab the metal and vibrate it to see if it pierced through my back. After a few tense seconds, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Can you move?" Weiss asks.

"Yeah, I think so. I only stopped once I realized the pain of getting railed wouldn't let me get up." As I make that joke, I see a variety of reactions. Ruby looks like she wants to shoot me. Weiss is confused and angry. Blake is blushing like a tomato. And Yang has a shit-eating grin.

Weiss shoots an angry glare at me. Too bad that it has nothing on the Bat-glare™. "Now's not the time for jokes!" She shouts.

"There's always a time for jokes," I say. "Except at my funeral. All you'll do is let me down and say goodbye." I try to get up. Pain shoots up and down my right side. "Motherfucker!" I stop trying to get up.

"Woah," Yang says with wide eyes and her hands up in a 'calm down' gesture. "Take it easy. Your aura was shattered, and I doubt that even you can heal fast enough to avoid bleeding out without it."

"You underestimate my power."

I notice Ruby looking directly at the metal.

"Is it me, or does it look like it's moving?" Ruby asks.

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