chapter seven

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Third Person

The funeral and burial was over and Violet commanded Liam to take her back to his house, claiming she just wanted to watch films for the rest of the day. They were in the car driving home when Liam realized he needed to talk to Violet.

"Listen, Violet, I'm so sorry for the past three years. Not only did I break your heart and hurt myself in the process, I didn't even try to fix it before it was too late. I thought that if I never spoke to you again, it'd hurt less, but I was so wrong. It was a stupid and immature idea of mine and I'm hoping that you and I can get past it because I really want to be friends with you again, y'know, if you'd let me." Liam had planned out this apology since he realized he
really screwed up two and a half years ago. It had been rehearsed multiple times and it felt nice that Liam had finally said it.

Violet felt the tears in her eyes multiply, her emotions getting the best of her again. She began to weep aloud, unable to stop the uncontrollable and noisy sobs that consumed her. Liam was utterly confused as to how Violet was reacting to it. He immediately felt guilt wash over him, knowing he made her cry even more. She continued to weep for what seemed to be forever, Liam's guilt slowly drowning him. He could barely handle the pressure that was surmounting him by the minute. He let her be and silently waited for a possible response from Violet.

A few minutes later, that reply came, "Liam, I forgive you. I am nearly eighteen, for Christ's sake, and yet have so much resentment in me. Personally, I'm not okay with that. I want to live a life of happiness and positivity. And being pissed at the one man who helped me when I was down, despite our past, is just plain terrible. Thank you, Liam. For all you've done in these past few weeks. I forgive you for it all. I can not live like this anymore, constantly upset and reveling in my hatred for you. So, I propose a clean slate. Whaddya say?" Violet sputtered out, finally calm enough to even enunciate words. She felt the tears surge back, though, as Liam nodded, tears forming in his large, brown doe eyes as well.

"Good. Now let's move on before I run out of tears." Violet managed, her voice shaky, nose stuffy, and eyes puffy from crying.

"Sounds like a great idea." Liam replied, smiling through his tears, too, driving back home.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Liam asked, handing me my textbooks.

"Liam, I'm not a five year old about to start primary school, of course I'm ready. I miss university, honestly." I replied, a reassuring grin plastered on my face.

"Alright. Well good luck. I'm sure they'll give you some time to catch up with all the madness." Liam smiled as I waited for my people to show up. The group was elated to find out I was returning, telling me that they were getting sick of some of their professors asking how I was.

My thoughts were cut short by a series of honks from outside Liam's home. I waved to Liam before stepping out and walking down into Sean's four-door truck.

As I got in, I heard a chorus of cheers of pure happiness that I was back at it again. I simply told them to hush up and drive or they'd all be late for their first class. We all smiled at each other, though, a knowing look in my eyes telling them that their best friend was officially back.


I had shown up to my last class of the day, World History, a bit early. I enjoyed class immensely because the professor wasn't an inconsiderate arse who couldn't teach.

As I walked in, I noticed someone had joined the professor. He looked like he was a college student. Maybe he was a student teacher or was sitting in on the class to better learn for his major.

calamity || l.pTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang