chapter one

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Third Person

"Liam, we need to leave. She obviously isn't going to wake up today." Sophia whined, tugging his limp arm lightly. Liam pulled away from her grip with ease, not budging afterwards. His hunched posture was killer on his back and his eyes were swollen shut, irritated a bright red. Tear stains were all across his face, light grey shirt, and jeans from the constant flow of tears that came from regret.

Why did I ever leave her?

He couldn't stop wondering that. He knew she was a delicate soul with a tough exterior. But as soon as he left Wolverhampton, met her in some weird and small town while on the X Factor Tour, became her closest friend and first boyfriend for a while.

Then he hit it big.

"What Makes You Beautiful" hit number one on US charts and his band had to leave for America, leaving her in that crazy old small town of Seclarin, England after a mutual break up for distance purposes, for Violet nor Liam could not date someone who was on a different continent. It was going to be too hard on her and Liam to keep it going for so long without seeing one another. Plus, the boys's management wanted to depict them as squeaky clean and single, which would be hard for Liam to keep Violet under wraps for so long, if Violet had even agreed to being a mere secret.

It was a short fling anyways, but it was filled with–what the two thought was—pure passion and love, making it mean so much more. Three months is short in relationship standards for the now 19 and 20 year olds. But for Violet, who was ready to feel consciousness again, it was one of the best relationship she was ever in.

Yes, that may have been few relationships as it is, but this one wasn't lacking what the other ones were. And that's love. Or the closest thing to it.

Liam felt it, too. It pained him to leave his first love, but he couldn't afford losing his newly made career as a successful boy-bander. Violet understood, but she couldn't help not feeling heartbroken. She thought that talking to Liam on any sort of social media or virtual messenger would help maintain a friendship between them so they wouldn't be complete strangers when they return.

Liam saw differently. He felt that he needed to get away from the constant heartache pounding within his chest. So, he ignored her at all costs. He saw it as if he wanted to lose the ache, he had to lose her.

So he did.

Liam Payne and Violet Huron have not spoken to one another in nearly three years.

At first, it was a daunting task for Liam not to text back Violet or answer her video chat requests. He thought it'd be good for him. Not to see the reason for his happiness for three blissful months anymore.

Violet would cry every night, wondering why he doesn't care for her anymore, her broken heart leaving her in a cold, lonely place that only knows depression. Violet was severely depressed for six months trying to get over him.

Then she met four extraordinary people who lifted her out of her depression.

Dan, Maggie, Sean, and Grace.

They cared for her. She was so alone and they let her in and made her happy. She was Violet again. Happy, exquisite, witty Violet.

Now, the four life savers and the one life ruiner plus his newest beau are all in the same vicinity, waiting to see if their friend–or acquaintance, in Liam's case–can pull through to see the day break today.

Liam got up and walked out, Sophia scrambling behind him. He went to the waiting room and met the eyes of four others, looking at Liam with disdain.

Liam sighed and said on a couch far away from the group, who were now lowly whispering to each other like they were before Liam came out. Sophia sat herself next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"She lost her whole damn family, Sophia. Just because of some damn looney who thought it'd be a good idea to shoot people during a film." Liam spoke lowly, unable to get the picture of Violet's loving family out of his head. They were so nice to him, and her sister was dotting. Her mother was a sweetheart who put her family in front of everything else and her father a great guy to talk to.

All gone.

Just like that.

One fatal shot to them all and they left this world easier than they entered.

Liam felt tears in his eyes for what seemed to be the millionth time today. Sophia looked at him and wiped his tears with her thumb.

"It's okay, baby, it's okay..." Sophia would coo repeatedly.

Whilst Liam was having a fit, I would flick my attention to and fro. Between listening in on Liam's mumblings and sobs and back to my friends, who were reminiscing on the good times with Violet and her family.

"Remember once when Cassie had to take a pill because she thought she was going to die of a head cold. She was so entertaining. I'm going to miss her." Grace said, laughing only the slightest.

We all joined in with a short laugh, remembering Cassie's constant worry.

"Or when Cassie got the dog so mad he bit her and she thought she had dog cooties." Maggie smiled slightly, bringing back another great Cassie moment.

"God, I'm going to miss 'em. What is Violet going to do without a family or home. The bank already took it. All she has is the inherited money, dusty furniture in a storage unit, and a dog at a kennel, waiting for her." Sean said, and I knew he couldn't take her in. He still lived with his parents and sister, Rachel, and was struggling to move out.

"I don't know, man. I just got a flat and now Brian wants to move in, and Maria may or may not be part of the things he's bringing with him." I said, sighing at thought of my twin and his girlfriend moving in. I didn't want to hear them bickering constantly, and I definitely didn't want Violet hearing those things.

"I would but I'm sharing a flat with Mer and Christine and we can not fit another person." Maggie informed, and I agreed that her cramped flat was not a good place for Violet to go after what happened.

"I have a dorm with an assigned roommate, so I can't help her here. I'd kill for her to be my dorm mate rather than that crazy áss Alexis. She's insane and weird as hell!" Grace exclaimed lowly, sighing.

"We'll figure it out. Violet will get somewhere good and safe." I told them.

"Even if it's with that Liam character. I mean, after intense interrogation done by you two boys." Grace informed, looking at Sean and me, as we replied with chuckles.


"For Ms. Huron" a woman dressed in the normal doctor attire–stethoscope and all–called from a door. She held a clipboard in her hand, examining the text on it. Us four, Liam, and his lass walked up to the woman.

"Well, Ms. Huron is awake but we only accept one visitor at a time. She's in stable condition but is barely conscious as of now but is expected to be released by tomorrow afternoon." She informed our small huddle. We all cheered quietly, Maggie and Grace even hugging one another.

"But, we can almost guarantee severe PTSD, especially this 'shock' of sorts. Meaning she won't be responsive to your talk or presence. She'll hear you but it'll basically be a one-sided conversation. It's almost like she's in a coma, but we are better able to monitor her brain functioning." The woman finished, flipping the papers on the clipboard back to rest and looking up at our suddenly somber group.

"Who's first?" She pressed a smile, scanning each of our eyes.


i hope this is an okay chapter.

let me know if you like!!!(:

EDITED (again)

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