chapter two

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I walked into Violet's room hesitantly. Sophia left a while ago after I refused to go with her. I looked to see her eyes open but they weren't acknowledging. She was awake, but not actually awake and alert.

I walked over to her side and grabbed her limp hand. I held it between both of my own and smiled, tears welling in my eyes.

"Oh, Violet..." I sighed, looking at the girl, who was facing forward, nothing in her glossy, hazel eyes that blinked every once in awhile. Her full, raspberry colored lips were set in a straight line. Her light brown hair was sprawled across the white pillow case.

I heard a rap on the door before someone slowly opened it. I dropped her hand back to her side and turned around sharply, looking at the new visitor.

"Sorry to interrupt. Are you the one taking her home?" The doctor asked, a clipboard in hand.

After nearly an hour of convincing and compromising, Violet's four friends agreed to letting me take her in. My band was just writing right now, meaning I had some time to myself, finally.

"Yes, I am." I responded, walking over to the doctor.

"Okay, will you please fill out these forms for me please and she'll be ready for discharge momentarily." She stated, handing me a pen and the clipboard, pressing a smile. I smiled and walked out, leaving the doctor to unhook Violet from the machines and whatever else.

"I can't believe we let him take her home. I mean, what was the point. She's literally turning 18 in two weeks." Grace sighed, sipping on her soft drink and munching on fries with the other three at a local restaurant.

"Yeah, but we know she's not going to be able to move out immediately. She needs to save up more money from that waitressing job over at that fancy restaurant that I don't care to remember the name of. Not to mention, she's probably going to take some time to get back up on her feet from this." Maggie reasoned to the rest of the group.

"We may want to tell her boss about her absence, now that I think about it." Sean trailed off, finishing off the last of the fries in the center of the table.

"Yeah, might as well. Lets go." Dan sighed, getting up from the table, everyone following suit after him.

They all walked out thinking about what their lives would've been like if they had taken Violet in.

It was no secret to the other three that Dan liked Violet. He thought she was magnificent and very beautiful, inside and out. He wanted to take her in badly and treat her like she deserved. But, he knew he had to solve the whole Brian issue before he tried to move anyone else in. If he had taken her, though, he would've been so kind to her. Being there when she needed someone to talk to about whatever, help her if she was sick. Anything. Just so she would be happy, because her happiness was important to Dan.

Maggie thought bringing in Violet would've been a ton of fun, but too crowded for her already full flat. Christine and Meredith weren't exactly the cleanest ladies on the planet, but neither was Maggie. She figured that although the laughs and good music would never end, the fullness would be too much. Everything would become even more stressful and they were just about to start college in a month, so the stress of another roommate was not needed.

Sean would've taken Violet in, no doubt, if he had his own place. His parents are crazy protective and way too far into his life than they should be. Plus, Rachel was older than Sean and had yet to move out, for both of the them lacked the money and were not willing to share an apartment.

Grace couldn't even take in Violet unless she lived with her brother, Ammon, or if she still lived with her parents. She would replace Alexis for Violet in a heartbeat, but sadly, it doesn't work like that.

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