chapter eleven

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His hands are woven into her long tresses, pulling her closer.

Her hands are latching onto the back of his neck, her whole body reaching towards his.

He leans his head down to compliment her petite stature.

She slowly lets her raspberry lips touch his and that is when I first felt it.

My heart slowly cracking.

The very same pain I caused her.


"I never knew I could feel so nervous walking into my own home." I said to Harry, who I begged to come back with me after the press tour. He readily agreed, which made me realize he was probably my worst option out of the four.

"Maybe you should knock. Never know what you could walk in on." Harry suggested, giving me a smirk.

"I told Violet that's the one thing she can't do in my home! Harry, stop trying to ruin my homecoming." I reprimanded before looking back at my front door. I took a deep breath and turned the handle, pushing the door open all in one swift movement.

Inside, the house is clean and silent. Not even Casper has barked in acknowledgment of the door opening.

"Hello! Anybody home?" I called out, worried Harry was right.

I made my way up the stairs, creeping down the hallway. I concluded no one was up there so that only left me one place to check: the basement.

I never really used my basement, so I would be surprised to see Violet down here.

I flipped on the light switch to the staircase and walked down, Harry trailing behind. It sounded dead silent, so I was damn near sure I would be coming down to nothing.

It was pitch black in the vast space, the air cold and damp as I began to reach for the light switch. I switched it on and that's when I heard a chorus of loud "surprises".

"Bloody hell!" I heard Harry yell from behind me as my mouth gapes in shock. I see all of Violet's friends smiling at me, some laughing. Casper is on a leash and is held by a man that closely resembled the definition of what every girl wants. Suddenly, I felt jealousy and intimidation slap me square in the face as I quickly looked away from him, afraid of the inevitable.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my torso and immediately knew that it was Violet. I squeezed her hard as I returned the hug, even picking her up as I did so.

"I've missed you, y'know." She said as I put her back down.

"I missed you, too, V." I smiled as I noticed her eyes focus behind me, knowing she finally acknowledged Harry's presence.

"Hey, hot shot! How's fame been treating you?" She asked jokingly, giving him a warm hug. He laughed as he hugged her back, whispering something in her ear. I heard her giggle as I looked away, so my unnecessary jealousy wouldn't get the best of me.

"Okay! So now onto a small introduction," Violet said, grabbing both mine and Harry's hands as she led us over to the very man that intimidated me when the lights first turned on, "Liam, Harry, this is Joshua, my boyfriend. Joshua, this is...well you already know who they are most likely, good friends of mine." Violet announced, letting go of our hands so she could wrap her arm around his back and place her other hand on his chest, leaning into him. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead before removing that arm and shaking our hands, beginning to talk up a storm.

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