chapter six

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Third Person

Violet was right back to who she was before she had landed in the hospital. She was already back to work and ready to start university back up after the weekend ended. Surprisingly enough, she's taking the death of her family well, or at least, concealing it well. She was having trouble sleeping at night. Liam didn't know this, but she kept the lights on at night when she went to sleep. Otherwise, Violet was afraid someone would sneak up and shoot her. And, if she even got to sleep with the lights on, the nightmares were even worse and made her not want to sleep. But, Violet didn't want to burden anyone anymore, so she kept it to herself.

As for her living issue, she remained with Liam, whom she still hasn't directly spoke to since she woke up. Not that it's been an issue for her, since her friends have practically not left her alone and could relay the message onto Liam. But, Liam on the other hand, was devastated by it. He knew he deserved it, but he just wanted to at least try and make up with her.

As Liam sat on his sofa and flipped through television channels, Dan walked out of Violet's room, "Hey, Liam. Violet wanted me to ask you if we can go to the storage unit and mall this weekend. Y'know, to get her stuff back and new clothes since she's been living in yours for God knows how long." Dan requested as Liam looked over at him.

"I'll reply when Violet comes out and asks me that herself." Liam replied, sick of Violet's antics and just wanting to get over the awkward part of their situation. That and his back killed from sleeping on the couch for nearly two weeks.

"Alright..." Dan trailed off as he walked back into where Violet was. She was strewn across the bed, watching Criminal Minds and eating popcorn. She saw Dan in the corner of her eye and looked over, pausing her show.

"What's he say?" She asked, the words jumbled as she had just ate a mouthful of popcorn.

"You have to ask him in order to get a reply." Dan shared, giving her a sympathetic look. She felt her eyes go wide as she stopped chewing. She wasn't ready to face Liam without wanting to break his neck.

"Listen, I'll be right by you the whole time. I mean, you've managed to live here for a few weeks, you can get through this. Maybe this could be a fresh start, if you will." Dan suggested, coaxing Violet out of the bed.

Violet mulled it over, taking her bowl of popcorn out of her lap and over onto a table as she stood up. She had to do it, no matter how she felt. She could not wear another pair of Liam's sweats, only to cry into the shirt of his she wore because she was wearing his clothes again.

"Lets get this over with, Daniel." Violet said as she passed him and opened the door, walking carefully out to the hall. She heard the faint commentating of a sports announcer recapping the highlights of a game.

She cautiously walked down the steps to see Liam sat casually on the couch, his phone in hand and in use. Violet made it to the bottom of the stairs, praising herself silently for a quiet descent.

But, the hardwood step creaked and Liam immediately whipped his head in her direction. Violet's eyes were scrunched up tightly, her body frozen as if she was awaiting a blow that would never come. Her right eye opened a little before gradually reaching normalcy again. She cleared her throat, as if to make up for her embarrassing action from only a minute ago. Liam silently chuckled, amused by Violet's reactions.

"Violet." Dan said, as if it were another way to tell her to get asking.

"Oh yeah, uhm," Violet stumbled before remembering who she was facing, "would you be ever so kind to take Dan and me to the storage unit and mall. To be quite frank, I'm sick of wearing your oversized sweats." Violet finished, her voice and stature hardened. Liam was taken aback as to how quickly she went from nervous stumbling to feisty sarcasm. He quickly composed himself, though, before replying.

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