chapter five

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Third Person

"God dammit, V! You make this so damn difficult!" Liam shouted through the door, pounding on it.

"Don't call me V. Only people I like can call me that, you ass." Violet snapped back from behind the wood.

"I made you a bowl of cereal, can I at least step in and hand it to you, since you refuse to make your presence out here?" Liam asked, the frustration in his voice rising with each syllable. He heard the springs of the bed move then a few footsteps advancing towards the door. He anticipated seeing her full of life with every second as Violet, on the other side of the door, hesitated to open the barrier between them. Was she ready to face him and reality?

She opened the door swiftly as she inhaled deeply.

She tilted her head upward the slightest as she felt her eyes widen. He was so beautiful, his hair a mess in the hottest way and scruffy stubble decorating the lower part of his face. His chocolate eyes looked desperate and his eyebrows furrowed, but we're slowly letting up. His pouty lips had separated a bit as if he were to say something, but nothing came out.

Liam was at a loss of words, Violet's hazel eyes showed life and were wider than ever. Her hair was tied back and a bit frizzy, Liam fascinated by it almost. But, all the sudden, her face tightened. She held her hand out stiffly and took the bowl from Liam before shutting the door in his face, walking back to her place on Liam's huge - and messy - bed.

Liam was frozen in his place, reliving his small and rather hostile encounter with Violet.

He quickly snapped out of it and went to his phone on the counter, deciding who to call first.

He decided on Dan at random and dialed his number.


Dan and Sean were sitting through a boring lecture for an entry psych class. They both had failed to take it during their secondary school years and regretted it deeply.

As Dan reached for his phone in his backpocket, acknowledging its buzzing, the professor had called on him. He quickly answered before returning back to his phone and answering it quietly.

"Yeah?" Dan answered in a whisper.

"Dan, it's Liam. Listen, I don't know where you are but I'm relying on you to be the bearer of good news here to the rest of your friends." Liam replied swiftly.

"Okay..." Dan trailed off, a million thoughts going through his mind all at once. Sean was now watching Dan intently, looking for reaction on his face as Dan continued to talk silently.

"Violet's awake." Liam stated simply as Dan remained silent, his eyes widening as he sat frozen, processing the information.

"Can you come over and see her? She won't come out of my room or talk to me so I figured if I called you guys, she'd at least be happy." Liam continued, hoping that they'd agree.

All the while, Dan was practically mute as Sean continually tried to get his attention. Eventually, he just decided to take the phone from Dan's nearly limp hand.

"Dan, mate, you there?" Liam had asked for nearly the seventh time.

"No, he's like frozen. What the hell's up, Liam?" Sean asked in a slightly shaky voice, expecting the worst.

"Violet. She's up and at it. But, she won't come out of her room-or my room, rather-and I was hoping you and Dan could rally up your friends and get your asses over here to cheer her up." Liam explained again, a large sigh escaped Sean as he did so.

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