chapter nine

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"Hold the damned phone, Liam. Are you telling me that you're leaving me again?" I asked, completely shocked.

"Violet, you know I'd never leave you like I did nearly four years ago. I am not the same person I was then. It's a press tour, as the boys and I like to call it. They're coming here to crash tonight and we leave in the morning to do press for our new album. It's normally a month to two months long, if that." Liam replied.

"New album means another tour, Liam. Tours are close to a year long for you guys. We were just getting back to being friends, Liam, I can't have you dropping on me now." I begged. Life had been so great in those past few months that him leaving would only have harmed us, or me. I had my job back and completely secure at the restaurant, my university work was all caught up, I mean, hell, I was even dating someone.

"Yes, I know, V. But, we will cross that bridge when we get to it, I promise. This is only a month, Violet. We can text and video chat and do whatever else technology allows us, I promise. We will not go down like we did last time." Liam assured, his brown eyes giving me the saddest serious eyes I'd ever had to look into. I nodded, my anger and sadness subsiding.

"Okay, uh, I have to go figure out who I'm staying with." I replied, my head spinning a mile a minute trying to figure out my next move. I felt dizzy, honestly, from everything that I was trying to comprehend.

"Violet," Liam began, steadying myself, who was pacing around the room, with his hands. I put on a weak smile and looked up at him, "you can stay here! I trust you or your friends or Joshua won't mess the place up. Just no doing it in my bed, you got me?" He finished, a playful smile on his bearded face. I laughed and pinched his cheeks before nodding.

"Okay, so you said they were going to be crashing here, Liam. When are they arriving? Aren't there like five of you total? We need to prepare for four extra guests, dude." I worried, knowing that Liam's bed could fit three of them together, but what about the other two plus me?

"Well, they can help us with that because Louis just texted and said they were here." Liam smiled sheepishly, putting his phone in his back pocket in the process.

"You've got to be kidding me." I replied, only to be responded to by a door opening and a few yells.

"Liam, mate, we're he--Oh, hello. Are you Violet?" One of them, Niall, inquired. I nodded in approval at the fellow Irishman and smiled.

"That would be me! Nice to meet you all, I'm Violet, as Niall just said. I'm an old friend of Liam's." I responded, sticking out my hand towards him. He grabbed it and pulled me into a nice hug, his head tucked into the crook of my shouder and neck. I gave a questioning smile and hesitantly hugged back, patting him a few times.

The one next to him, who had blue eyes and crazy hair, stuck his hand out, "Louis. It's a pleasure to meet you, Violet." he smiled. I shook his hand and smiled in return.

"Likewise." I answered shortly before feeling Liam's hands clasp onto my shoulders.

"Boys! I'm assuming you've now all met Violet." He greeted before letting go and hugging the one closest to him, which was the tan one with one half of his jet black hair shaved and stubble similar to Liam's. He is named Zayn from what I've heard on television.

"I have yet to be honored in meeting this lovely woman." The final one said, his hair wild and long, and his eyes a jade green. I impulsively blushed at the man's words, sheepishlyoffering him my hand to shake. He took my hand to his lips and kissed it gently, causing me to have to look away before I giggled like a school girl.

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