chapter three

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"All ready?" I practically asked myself, as I took Violet to his car. I didn't know anything about her situation other than her locomotive skills are still intact while in it, which took a load off me. I also found out it was some sort of coping mechanism and often results in the PTSD the doctor mentioned and expected out of Violet. I helped her into the car as she looked straight forward, her eyes glazed over.

I walked to my side of the car and hopped in, starting the ignition. I turned on the radio and turned the volume to a dull, background music as I began to drive. While driving, I tapped the wheel nervously, feeling awkward with Violet next to me silent. She was as still as a deer in headlights, which made me uncomfortable. I was used to Violet being loud and free around me, which made this Violet damn near scare me.

When we got to my home, I saw Sophia's car in the driveway. I really wasn't in the mood to deal with her. She's become whiny and asking far too much of me recently. Just like all of my relationships since I rose to fame after Violet. All of them ended with the girls becoming all about the material and their feelings for me flying right out the door. I dealt with it though, for I thought that I deserved it. I was a poor excuse of a man in my eyes and the living reminder as to why now lived with me.

I unbuckled Violet and stepped aside before helping her out in silence, Violet looking ahead the whole time. It was creepy in a way; a gaunt, pale girl's unblinking eyes staring at one thing the whole time, not moving at all.

I shook off the odd thoughts and gently walked Violet to the entrance of my home. I heard the TV playing lowly in the background and Sophia laughing hysterically at something.

"I'm home, Sophie!" I announced as I walked in with Violet. I saw Sophia's hand on the remote and the television paused as I sat Violet down at the kitchen's island.

"Hey, babe! Welcome back! I have a few questions for you." Sophia's tone went from sweet to serious in a matter of seconds, her smile wiped away.

"Yeah, love?" I responded, sitting on the couch next to her.

"What the actual hell made you think we could house a lost cause? She's barely functioning on her own, Liam! We're young and have so much to do, especially you! We're supposed to be partying and enjoying our lives, not caring for a girl who can't even tell us when she needs to piss!" Sophia ranted, her voice raising with every syllable. I had kept trying to tell her to be more quiet, but she only projected her voice more.

Once she was finished, I looked at her furiously and spoke in hushed words, "Listen, Sophia. You sound like a complete narcissistic bítch. This girl has impacted me so much in my life and all your worried about is being with me and living in the spotlight. Get a grip, Sophia. The world doesn't revolve around you or me or us. Why are you so against helping her, anyways? Scared that I'm gonna leave you for her? How could you not trust me enough to control myself?" I was beyond pissed. I didn't realize all the issues we had, which I assumed were buried under various jewels and dresses, along with lust before being brought to light today.

"Whatever, Liam. I'm going out. Don't count on me being back tonight. Bye ásshole. Make sure to tell your mute bítch in there I said bye, too!" Sophia declared before giving me the finger and stomping out, the door slamming behind her. I fell onto the couch, sighing loudly.

All while this occured, Violet Huron sat right behind them, her posture perfect and her hands intertwined. She heard Sophia's words and felt hot tears spill out of her eyes unwillingly. She was a mess but couldn't express it. She wanted to cry out and scream until her voice was hoarse. She knew she would be a burden in this condition, which was the last thing she wanted to be.

That's when she decided she would find a way to talk again. She will not be a burden to Liam or anyone. She will find a way through this, just like she found a way through all of then other shít in her life.

She will thrive again. No one will call Violet Huron a lost cause again.

"Why the fúck isn't he here yet? I have a restaurant to run." I mumbled as I paced the outside of an abandoned building. I told Liam to be here at three and here I was, five past three, waiting on Liam.

Right as I was about to call Liam, I heard footsteps becoming more prominent. I looked up from my phone to see a tall man with a slight scruff in front of me.

"Thanks for meeting me. I'm Chase." I simply said as I offered to shake his hand.

Liam took up the offer, giving a firm handshake as he said, "Liam, and no problem. I already have a fine idea as to why your here, which is completely understandable." Liam finished, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, I'm gonna make it short though because I've got to go run a restaurant. Basically, if you let anyone, even yourself, hurt Violet, you're going to regret it completely, I can swear on it. I'd hope that by now you'd know better, but if you don't, I don't mind reteaching you that lesson." I threatened, his cheeks turning red with anger. This man was the reason Violet shed hundreds of tears. It doesn't matter when it happened, all that matters is that it happened and won't happen again under my watch.

"I got it, Chase. I won't screw up again, trust me. If I break this promise, then I will personally show up at your doorstep without you having to threaten me and let you punch me." Liam promised.

"Good. Now that that's clear, I've got to run! See ya, man. Don't fúck up!" I walked off to my car and hopped in, leaving Liam to himself.






calamity || l.pOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora