Updates :)

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Hey there! Straight off the bat, I don't want to get anyone's hopes up by publishing this chapter. I still haven't really gotten back into BNHA, so I don't plan on writing anymore.

What I want to say goes for all the people still discovering this book and leaving comments and votes and saving it to reading lists. Thank you for still providing me so much support! It's been such a morale booster when I take into consideration I want to be an author for original content in the coming years with published novels :)

And yes, this is the cringe whip nae nae bit where I plug myself and I say that if you like my work here I write for some other things. Alternatively if you just wanna hear some boring updates on my utterly dry life and rants about stuff I like such as dsmp and other trivial things + some novel progress updates; I'm on twitter like,,, 24/7 under the name of AeneidVirgils and on IG by VirgilsAeneid. Confusing I know.

I hope anyone who's been reading this book has been in good health- and anyone seeing this notice still is. Again, let me reinstate how thankful I am to still be able to read the funny trains of comments I still read. It still makes me smile, even now :)

Lot's of love,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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