[Katsuki Bakugou X Reader]- A Happy End

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Y'all don't even know how many people have asked for an alternative/third part to the Bakugou series. Hopefully this piece brings the closure everyone's been asking for.

Another night, another argument. The house errupted with the sounds of retorts and yelling.

It was something stupid that had spurred it, but it began to evolve much quicker than anticipated. Soon, it had tipped into a full blown row between Bakugou and Uraraka.

"Maybe if you actually loved me to begin with, we wouldn't be in this problem, Katsuki!" Uraraka snapped, tears swelling in her eyes.

"Don't pin the blame all on me. You don't love me either, don't lie," He shot back hotly, fists clenching. Uraraka sunk onto the couch, rubbing her temples.

"Why do we try anymore?" Uraraka asked in a tired whisper. "Why do we stay together when we know exactly what holds us apart?"

Bakugou's anger still simmered, but settled slightly. He paced restlessly, unable to sit still.

"I don't know why we try. We both only hurt each other more," Bakugou pressed.

"We're imploding, Katsuki. I think we have been for a long time," Uraraka admitted. "But it worsened after Y/N returned."

Bakugou's anger was brought back to the surface, he turned angrily, eyes flashing dangerously.

"Don't act like Y/N is the only cause of this," He snarled.

"If you listened, you would know that's not what I'm saying!" Uraraka proclaimed defensively. "What I'm saying is is we never loved one another. Being in a relationship together? It was nothing but us missing the feeling of someone holding us."


"Let me finish," She interrupted, standing. "Katsuki, I know you love Y/N. Always have, always will. I've found my peace with that because I know too that I miss my teenage love. I miss Deku, and I know in my gut that's the only person I will love."

Uraraka pulled the blond boy into a hug, tears once again threatening to spill down her face.

"I'm sorry, Katsuki. But for the good of both of us, we need to stop forcing each other to be happy," She mumbled into his shoulder. "I... I think... I think we should at least consider a divorce."


The time spent home in Japan had become precious to Y/N. It felt like such a short amount of time- as if the memories had become grains of sand in the grand scheme of things.

Y/N sat in the silent terminal, waiting. They read the flights arriving and departing. The forty three minutes they had left felt like an eternity and a second all at the same time.

Some of her highschool friend's sat around them, chatting and enjoying the last few moments they could get with Y/N before they returned to America.

Maybe it's for the best, they thought. I don't have to see Uraraka and Katsuki together once I leave.

Perhaps that's what scared them the most.

"Y/N?" They were snapped out of their daze by a softspoken voice behind them. The words seemed strange in the boy's usually gruff tones, and Y/N turned quizically towards Bakugou's voice.

He shucked off a scarf, eyeing the rest of the group unsurely before his crimson gaze rested on Y/N once again. They stood unsurely, raising an eyebrow.

"I wasn't sure if you were coming," Y/N remarked, forcing a smile. "I'm glad to see you changed your mind."

"Who knows when I'll see you again. I want to tie some loose ends together while I can," He admitted, still eyeing their school friends uncertainly. Y/N looked between him and their friends before side stepping around Kaminari.

"Did you want to talk about this in private?" Y/N murmured.


Y/N eyed the clock. Forty minutes remaining and then she would have to go home. Whatever Bakugou had to say, it certainly couldn't hurt more than it already did, right?

The two began walking- to no where in particular, but after a few minutes of silence, the blond boy finally spoke.

"Uraraka and I are getting divorced."

At those words, Y/N felt their heart jump into their throat. They wheeled around to face him, eyes going wide.

"What? That's awful!" They covered their mouth with their hand. "Oh, but the wedding was only a little while ago- ah, no, I don't mean- I just-"

"Y/N, stop worrying," He said sharply, snapping them out of their rambling daze. "Both of us know it's for the best because both of us are still hung up on people."

"What?" Y/N had thought things couldn't get worse, but it seemed they were being proved wrong. They ran a hand through their hair, still taken aback by the abrupt announcement.

"Uraraka still loves that dumbass Deku," Bakugou informed, crossing his arms. "And I still love you."

Time seemed to stop. Hundreds of butterflies swarmed in Y/N's stomach. Their eyes widened to the size of saucers and their jaw hung open slightly.

"But... But it's been years-"

"I know," Bakugou snapped. He seemed to instantly regret the lash out. "Sorry, it's just... I get it, you've moved on. You've got your partner waiting for you back in America. I just couldn't live thinking I hadn't been honest with you."

"Katsuki," They began slowly. A swarm of conflicting emotions filled Y/N- they had never expected to be put in such a situation. "There is no one back in America."

Bakugou's eyes widened slightly, raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't want you to feel bad for me," They explained. "So... I, er..."

For the first time in a long time, Y/N heard Bakugou laugh. Their heart swelled with affection- they'd missed that sound.

The sudden feeling of elation was cut short when a voice chimed of the speakers.

"Flight AR200 is now boarding. Twenty-five minutes until departure."

Y/N stopped in their tracks, rubbing their arms in a sort of self-hug. They sighed, not meeting Bakugou's eager gaze.

"I... can't cancel my flight. I've still got work back in America and-"

"Y/N," Bakugou stopped their rambling off early. He held his hand out to them. Y/N took it gently, revelling in the comforting sensation. They hadn't realized just how much of him they missed until that moment.

Together, in a comfortable silence, they began to walk back to the waiting lounge. Y/N's friends all stood, chattering nervously before Mina pointed them out brightly.

Y/N broke away from Bakugou, swamped by hugs from their friends. Tears and goodbyes were shared before the large group began making their way to the gates. Y/N paused, reaching for their ticket only to turn around and quickly through their arms around Bakugou, burying their face in his heavy jacket.

He held them for a moment as if they were his last tether to the world. Finally, Y/N broke away again, and through tears, they scanned their boarding ticket and passed through the gates.

They'd see all of them again soon. They would make sure of it.

For now, they had to get home.


Y/N settled into their flight seat, pleasant background music played as people boarded. Their phone buzzed in their pocket- the thought hit them that they hadn't put it into flight mode yet.

Y/N pulled it out, turning it on and opening it, finding the source of the notification.

Katsuki is typing...

A trill went through Y/N as they opened their messages. They opened to Bakugou's contact, listening and watching carefully.

Tap, tap. It went. See you soon, Y/N xx.

And as the flight announcements began, Y/N knew everything would be alright.

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