[Hizashi Yamada X Hero!Reader]- Oblivious

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5.22K reads? Holy moly, where did y'all come from???? Also a big thanks for 139 votes ^^
Anyway SWATMember404 requested a Hizashi Yamada fanfiction where he flirts with the reader yet the reader is too oblivious and bad-a-bing, bad-a-boom, Nemuri ends up being a wingman and ultimately getting the two together. That was a long sentence. Let's get on with it!

"Hizashi, you're staring at them again, aren't you?"


"Only one person can make you smile that lovingly at their phone screen."

Look, Hizashi Yamada smiled at things a lot. He had a fairly cheerful disposition and was certainly one of the more cheerful teachers at U.A.. But there was only one person who made his face hurt from smiling.


Maybe it was the instinctive drawn-togetherness they shared considering both had sound quirks. Maybe it was because they had went to school together. Maybe it was because Y/N was the most wonderful, loving person he'd ever met. He was never sure, but his heart would swell at the very thought of them.

"Look, they just made a criminal spill all the facts and figures about any bank robbings they had pulled and any they planned to pull, as well as getting names of their cronies," Hizashi explained pointedly, "Isn't it just so cool!"

Nemuri laughed, leaning back in her office chair.

"Oh Hizashi, we know you're smiling for another reason." She shot him a wink, "You looove them."

"Well yeah! Who wouldn't!"

"Who wouldn't what?"

Hizashi just about leapt onto the roof, hearing the voice behind him. He knew that voice all too well.

"Who wouldn't buy fresh capsicums from a street vendor!?" Hizashi yelped, frantically trying to cover up the previous conversation.

Y/N snorted.

"A lot of people? I mean... it's a street vendor," They remarked, "Personally I would if it was cheap."

"Hey, Y/N!" Nemuri greeted cheerfully, waving, bending herself backwards over the back of her seat to smile at them. "We were just talking about you!"

"I thought you were talking about capsicum vendors?" Y/N queried, frowning and crossing the room to sit down at the computer besides Hizashi.

"We were," Hizashi stated. Nemuri elbowed him, raising an expectant brow "But we were talking about how incredible you were with getting that information."

"Well, muting sound and then banging pots in their ear and returning it amplified really does something to the brain," Y/N mused, opening the browser and going to their class timetable.

"That's how you got information?" Nemuri asked, sounding bewildered.

Hizashi shot her a look.

"That's bomb-as," Hizashi complemented, despite finding the technique rather... unusual.

"I know," Y/N remarked proudly. "I came up with it yet the police thought it wouldn't do anything."

Nemuri nudged Hizashi, gesturing discretely with her hands.

"Ask them out," She hissed in a quiet whisper. Hizashi flushed, scowling before turning slowly to Y/N.

"So... so why don't we go out- dinner or something? You know, to celebrate!" He asked, smiling brightly. Y/N turned to him, returning the beaming smile.

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