[Katsuki Bakugou X Reader]- Satisfied

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You asked for a part two to Gone, I'm Gone NovenaLunar but you didn't say it had to be happy.

Warning: A n g s t

"Where's Y/N's invitation?"


It had been two months since the 1-A reunion party. Two months since Bakugou had last seen Y/N- but that wasn't going to stop him from inviting them to his wedding.

Uraraka brushed her hair behind her ear, fidgeting in her seat slightly. She chewed at the lid of the marker she used, wondering how to phrase her words.

"I wasn't sure if you wanted them there. You know, after you dated them and everything," Uraraka said slowly. "I didn't want them to feel hurt."

"I'm over them, Uraraka. Y/N doesn't have to stop being my friend just because we're not dating now." Bakugou pulled out a spare invitation card, sliding it over to Uraraka before he went back to double checking the invitations. "Invite them."


Y/N was stubborn- stubborn enough not to admit they were stubborn at all in the first place. They were not going to show everyone they wasn't over Katsuki by denying his invitation to his wedding.

Even if it hurt more than anything Y/N had experienced.

Y/N applauded politely at the end of Denki's toast. Their mind was distracted, focusing on how Bakugou looked so happy with Uraraka. How he stared at her with such love and care in his eyes that they were sure they had never seen it while they were together.

Anyone who was bold enough to make a toast would make one. Y/N was far from having one planned, but it was as if their body moved on their own accord. They rose to their feet from their chair, walking over to the small podium.

As they stood there underneath the beaming lights, they felt as if hundreds of claws were trying to tear their way out their stomach with nerves. Past the powerful stagelights, Y/N caught sight of him, just a little ways beyond.

And so, without any method to their madness, they began their speech.

"Love. It's weird isn't it? It strikes when you don't expect it, and find it when you don't wish for it." Y/N took a deep breath and smiled, "And yet we're always looking for it. And for those of us who are lucky enough to find it, well, I wish them the best."

They folded their hands on the podium, swallowing against the thick tension building in their throat.

"So, I wish you, Katsuki, Uraraka, happiness until the end of time. May love hold you together."


Y/N didn't want to join the dancing. Clearly neither did Midoriya. Instead, Y/N took to nursing a glass of champagne close to their chest, watching everyone happily join in on the festivities.

And of course, there were the stars of the show, Uraraka and Katsuki.

Y/N took another drink, finding it hard to drown her sorrows in a drink more bubbles than alcohol. Midoriya sighed, leaning on his hand.

"You're speech was nice," He remarked, loud enough to carry over the music, but not loud enough to be heard by the whole venue.

"Thanks," Y/N responded bluntly, not in the mood for light conversation. What they really wanted was to go home. To cry. To be angry. To wallow in self-pity and get drunk to soothe their pain.

"It hurts, doesn't it?" Midoriya asked after an uncertain pause. Y/N turned to look at him, their slumped form sagging even more. Y/N said nothing for a long time, cradling their glass close to their chest.

"I'm happy for them."

"So am I," Midoriya sighed, leaning back slightly. "But it doesn't mean it still doesn't hurt to see her with someone else."

Y/N let their gaze skirt to Midoriya. He stared wistfully after Uraraka who spun across the dancefloor with Katsuki, beaming brightly. They were vaguely aware how close Midoriya and Uraraka had been in school, but nothing came of it.

"Does it get easier?" Y/N asked, throat closing again as they felt the urge to cry.

Midoriya smiled, a bitersweet smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"I wish I could say yes," He began, turning his head to look at Y/N, "But it doesn't. Not really."

Y/N couldn't do anything but laugh dryly through clenched teeth as their eyes brimmed with tears and just as quickly spilt over their waterline, rolling down their cheeks.

"Oh God," They remarked through barred teeth. "I'm trapped aren't I?"


And while Katsuki and Uraraka were fools in love, lucky enough to find happiness in each other, Y/N was left behind. Left behind as they had once left Katsuki behind.

And the only thing they could wish for was for them to be satisfied. Because maybe if they tried hard enough, they could convince themselves that being happy for the couple would lead to their own happiness.

Or maybe, in the end, Y/N chased nothing but a wisp of teenage love.

O w c h.

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