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Jessie and Bucky soon made their way out to the others and started to eat

"Hey so, when is the wedding going to happen?" Bucky spoke up

"We aren't so sure yet... with everything we are happy at this stage for now" Jessie answered with a small nod

"Yeah, it is far easier to just try sort out the world then pick out cake flavours" Rhodey agreed

"Hmm, on the bright side, we managed to get these two into a private tutor session while Rhodey works and I am doing whatever else" Jessie added

"God, you hated schools when we were younger" Bucky laughed

"I know, there was many reasons" Jessie shrugged

"You never really talk about before you were taken and woke up to this time" Rhodey stated

"She doesn't? I have many stories to tell" Bucky smirked

"20 years of stories no one wants to hear" Jessie smirked

"When Jessie was younger, she use to always cuddle up inbetween me and our sister. Out of the 5, us three were the closest" Bucky said

"Yeah, we use to all get along amazingly. All of them loved Steve as well... we use to have these nights were we could sit in this field near our house, a small fire burning as we watched the stars pass over... we done it for a week straight after Steve finally admitted his feeling about losing his parents" Jessie smiled

"Can we do that one day momma?" Lucia asked

"Sure sweetie, I am sure even Bucky would come with us" Jessie laughed as Bucky nodded

"Remember that time we went to that theatre in 1937?" Bucky asked her

"First ever disney movie! I dragged Bucky and his date, Kiera, there alongside Steve and my first boyfriend" Jessie laughed

"You watched Snow White when it was first released?" Rhodey asked

"Yep, alongside Dumbo and Bambi" Jessie smiled

"Wow, what was it like watching it back then?" Rhodey asked

"Not to different to theatres now. We use sit down on these folded chairs and just sit there for hours and get lost into those movies for ages. The big thing was mainly Howard Stark, his Stark Expo was one of the biggest hits. I remember how him, me and Peggy use to take his weird flying car out, before he was targeted for treason and whatever else" Jessie explained

"You helped that case?" Rhodey asked

"I thought that was in my biography Peggy wrote" Jessie laughed a little
"I stayed with her for a fair few months at the SSR until Hydra got me... but we did have a lot of fun with running around behind our own agencies back" Jessie smiled

"That's the stories I never got told" Bucky said

"There wasn't many to tell really... we had fun, but it was harder back then" Jessie explained

"So momma is really old" Lucia giggled with the emphasis on the really

"Unlce Bucky is older" Jessie smirked

"How old are you actually?" George asked

"You really want to know?" Jessie asked him back, getting a nod
"101, I turn 102 in March" Jessie answered

"Wow! How old is papa? 204?" Lucia giggled

"No, just normal age you see on my birthdays" Rhodey said while Jessie and Bucky laughed

"So why is momma and uncle Bucky so old?" Lucia asked

"Because we went to sleep for a really long time, it was so boring" Jessie answered as easy as she could.

A few hours passed and Bucky had left to go back to Brooklyn, Jessie was sat with the kids on the sofa as Rhodey quickly went out. Lucia was sound asleep with her head on Jessie's chest while George had his leaning on Jessie's flesh arm

"You know how you said we would do something exciting after that man disappeared a week ago?" George suddenly spoke up

"We are doing it here, right now. A normal life Georgie" Jessie answered

"But... you are a super hero!" George sighed

"No I am not, I was one a while ago... I can't save people when there isn't much of a reason to save them" Jessie tried to explain

"You are telling a lie" George laughed a little

"Oh come on, I want to stay home with you two. The world of fighting is dangerous... people get hurt or never come home... I don't want that to happen to you two because of me" Jessie explained

"I know mom but... the news says they need help" George argued

"And I will help when they need me to" Jessie answered

"Oh, I found something for you" George said as he got up and came back with a small envelope. She felt her heart sink as she saw the familiar writing on it

"Wh-where did you get this?" Jessie asked

"When you went to the shop 2 days ago it came in the door but Rhodey never noticed" George answered. Jessie rested her head back as she took the letter but didn't open it.

"I'm back" Rhodey said as he came inside.

"Hey, where did you go?" Jessie asked as she carefully carried their sleeping daughter with her to greet him

"I got a surprise in the garden" Rhodey smiled as he carefully woke up Lucia.

"Morning papa" She yawned

"I got a surprise for you and your brother" Rhodey said as he took them outside. He covered Jessie's eyes slightly as they walked closer to this place. He uncovered her eyes and showed them this cute Malinois dog.

"You got a dog?" Jessie asked

"Fully trained for the military... they just didn't have the department for him so I got the adoption sorted out for him" Rhodey explained as the two kids played with the dog

"What is his name?" Jessie asked

"Major" Rhodey answered as the dog stood to attention at the sound of his name

"Wow, that is one trained dog" Jessie laughed as she patted her leg and he came over to her. She stroked his head and looked at his harness

"I got given a huge book for the commands he can do alongside all of his belongings" Rhodey explained as he opened the trunk to his car

"Fantastic" Jessie smiled sarcastically

Another few hours pass and the kids were settled down in bed while Jessie sat on the sofa reading the book of commans their new dog can do. Rhodey walked in and handed her a drink of hot chocolate

"Thank you" Jessie smiled as she took it

"We have a house viewing to attend next week, good security, garden and a lot of space" Rhodey said as he sat down next to her and tucked into her blanket as she rested her head on him

"That's great although we really don't need the security as much anymore" Jessie answered

"I know but its best to keep you and the kids safe... mostly the kids as I know you have a lot more control to keep yourself safe" Rhodey laughed

"True... oh did you hear Sam is now joining the air force?" Jessie asked

"He is? That would be good, it's been a long time since we actually all saw each other when there was no fights" Rhodey said, Jessie closed the book and cuddled upto her fiancee
"How are you actually doing?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around her

"You heard what Bucky told me, didn't you?" Jessie asked

"Yeah, I did... I just want to make sure you tell me from now on. We go through this together, okay?"

"Okay... I love you"

Jessie Barnes ~ Bucky Barnes sisterWhere stories live. Discover now