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Jessie sat on the sofa with Pepper for a while. The children just went to bed, so there was a nice quiet sound around the house.

"I feel bad now, I just think... me and Rhodey went too far... I just... I wish I had a better opportunity to keep this stable but I know I feel like I'm over reacting. I don't know what I want... everything is a judgemental blur for no reason" Jessie said

"I'm sure Rhodey understands. Jessie, look it is what you think is best for you now" Pepper reminded her

"I know... I might go to bed" Jessie said and walked upstairs to her guest room.

The next day

Jessie woke up early and packed her bags.

"Me and Tony are going... are you okay watching them?" Jessie asked

"Of course" Pepper smiled

"I owe you big time!" Jessie yelled as she ran with Tony to the Audi and got in with him

"Couldn't sleep either?" Tony asked

"Nope, we should get this done... I can get my brother back if it works" Jessie said

"I know, I can get the kid back..." Tony agreed

"Its like a third chance" Jessie said and Tony started the drive

"You nervous?" Tony asked

"Of course I am!" Jessie answered

"Same here... I just hope this one works" Tony said

Not too long late they pulled up at the compound. Jessie got out and grabbed her bags, looking up at her old home.

"Why the long face? Wild guess, he turned into a baby" Tony stated

"Among other things" Steve answered.  Jessie looked around and smiled before Tony opened up the back to show Steve his Shield.

"What's not to know?" Tony asked

"Steven, it is literally made for you" Jessie reminded him

"Plus, I got to get it out the garage before Morgan takes it Sledding" Tony stated

"No, they took it mud sliding in spring... that took hours to clean them and then the Shield. I think you were fixing my security system" Jessie explained. She walked in leaving them outside, hearing space ships also land down as well. Jessie walked through and soon saw Nat sat with Scott in the conference room
"I wish I brought vodka now" Jessie joked

"No, that night was a mess" Nat smiled

"Pretty fun for us. Not so much Rhodes and Tony" Jessie laughed

"Jessie?" Rhodeys voice said from behind her. She turned around and saw him and smiled

"I thought you wouldn't make it" Jessie said as she picked up her bags again and walked with him to her room.

"I thought you would be with the kids... you really up for a fight?" Rhodey asked

"Final one" Jessie smiled

"What about us?" Rhodey blurted out

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what I did last night... I love you so much Rhodes, I didn't want to end this... I have no idea what came over me, I just missed you too much as it was so secretive. You promised me a wedding, and that is what we shall get besides the happy ending together" Jessie smiled

"Even with months apart from each other?" Rhodey asked

"Bring back some souvenirs then I suppose" Jessie teased as she placed her bags down in her old room

Jessie Barnes ~ Bucky Barnes sisterWhere stories live. Discover now