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At Night Ricky's body was covered in a room from a bucket and when the lights went out we see Ricky falling from miles down to the ground and he landed in a carnival ride and he got up and the ride was driving.


The ride was going very fast and it went down and With Ricky something was driving it. It was a green small guy with wings and he had a blue suit and grey banded.

???: Hi there.. I'm-


The green thing looks at him like that was ruled.

???: My name is Shag... I'm your driver.. Nice to meet you.

Shag shakes his hand

Ricky: Nice to meet you.. And Sorry to saying that to you

Shag: Hey Man it's ok. I've been working here for 10 million years.

Ricky: My Name is-

Shag: Oh I know who you are Ricky Rose Hedgehog. He's been watching you.

Ricky: ... Spider-Man?

Shag: No... Zeus...

Ricky: Oh not that asshole.

The ride kept going and around him he saw his whole life story. He sees himself as a baby holding his Dad's Hand and his mother and Father crying happily bring Ricky and Auntie to the world. He sees

The Ride gets to an end and Ricky gets out and shows the big gate Doors. He walked in and there was a big grunt place and there were arrows pointing at Fate.

Out Of nowhere the man himself stepped in and it was Zeus!

Zeus: Ricky

Ricky: Zeus... I see you're now the king of Heaven.

Zeus: You made too many mistakes. Stole with your mates, Fights, Drugs and so much more!

Ricky: I didn't kill or hurt civilians!

Zeus: I'm Sorry Rick.... But it's the rules.

A big portal opens to his feet and Ricky.. Went to hell


He landed to hell and it was mad! He sees people tied up and getting tourthened.

???: Hello Richard...

Ricky turns his head and sees the devil himself.. Satan

Satan: I've been waiting for you...

Ricky: Of what?

Satan: Look Richard...

He shows him what's going to happen while he's gone. He sees his Sister with a guy and hurts her. He sees his mother on the streets at night. Something happened to her. He sees his father Getting Depressed.

Ricky: STOP THIS!!

Satan: No can Do Richard...

There was wires going at Ricky pulling him to the torture.

Ricky: Wait! Wait! How About Deal?!

Satan: (Ha Ha) You must be crazy... Trust me lad... You don't want to make a deal.. I knew people that made that mistake from me... Three of them tried to get they're life's back... Trust me kid You're Dead You're dead... That's how it goes.

Ricky: Please..

Satan: I'm not a villain..But if you want your after life to be a Deal.. Then so be.. But Be careful what you make of the deal... Once you say it.. You can't undo it...

Ricky: What do you mean?

Satan: The Deal will work but... It will change you... Like I mean it will change. You could be.. A Zombie that doesn't eat Brains or Some monster and there's a part of you.. But... Will you snap... There's a killing machine that busted out...

Ricky thinks carefully.

Ricky: Ok.. The Deal is... You bring me back.. And let me go back to earth and watch my family's back... And Let me see them and stay on earth... And I do anything for you...

Satan: Fine... And Ricky.. When I bring you back to The life world... You can't die... You're stuck as the age 16 years old forever.. And If you ever tell your family members who you are... I take you back... And Ricky... I know what you're like not playing the rules so I'm only warning you this time... Don't.. Tell them.. Or I will torture forever and ever and ever in your whole after life... And.. Just to be clear... I don't like you...

He snaps his fingers and a portal opens and pulls him and he falls in and... that was where it all starts.

The Grim ReaperWhere stories live. Discover now