Even The Circle of Life Has A Outside!

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Grim Reaper got the drugs and he was out the door.

Kim: How did it go?

Grim Reaper: I got them so...

Grim Reaper looking at her

Kim: What?

Grim Reaper: Nothing Just...You're the most beautiful girl ever met...

Kim Smiles at him. Grim Reaper got close to her.

Kim: Ricky I can't... I.I... I love you too...But... If you knew who the other me...I don't know what she would do....

Grim Reaper hugs her.

Grim Reaper: Don't ever say that...You are who you are...

She cries and hugs him back. Grim Reaper knows there's something in her head.

Grim Reaper: Tell me...What are you afraid of?

Kim looks at him with tears

Kim: My step dad... I'm Not a titian... I'm like you..Stock at this age forever... I can die but the monster me...Doesn't... When I was 6 years old... My mother got a man..Named Ravana... He hurted me and when he thought to make me strong..He put one of the chaos stones in my heart..He replaced my heart with a stone... When I screamed for my mother. That bitch just smiled and...To make it worse...She got the Queen of Owl to snap my little brother's neck. When he got that stone in my chest...Something..Came! I can't remember What I did..Next thing I knew...My mother was Dead... The Bitch Deserved it. I saw Queen of Owl and Jester about to go at me... Even He was too... Despair... I ran as fast As I could, but whatever I became It hurt my leg. I couldn't make it and they were getting close...But then.. That when I met Lord Of The Galaxy... He saved my life.

Grim Reaper: What Happened to Despair? and..These others?

Kim: Lord Of The Galaxy made sure I Never met them again...So he sent me 30 years in the future and now...This is my timeline... Until I have to go to my timeline... But since I Met you... I Don't want to. And I don't want to see him ever again.

It started when Rain and Grim Reaper hugged her. When they were about to finish Kim kissed Grim And they were long.

Kim: I love you Ricky...

Grim Reaper: I love you too...

When they looked at each other smiling they heard a tv in a store and it was the news.

Dusty: BREAKING NEWS THE CRIMINAL JOE CHILL HAS ESCAPED AND THE COPS HAD NOWHERE TO FOUND HIM!? One Of our camera men followed Jerome... What the fuck was wrong with that guy?

Cameraman: JEROME, JEROME! Do you know how he escaped?

Jerome getting in his car.

Jerome: He didn't escape..He got kidnapped!

He got in his car and Drove off.

Grim Reaper: Satan...

Kim: Oh god...

They went back to The Middle School and Grim Reaper give him the drugs and They see Logan atloking to Outcast

Grim Reaper: We got a problem - Logan?

Logan: What's up?

Grim Reaper: What are you doing here?

Outcast: I called him and he gave me the wrong Guinness!


Doctor Cold: What Is the problem Mr. Reaper?

Kim: We and Ricky Didn't kiss!!

Grim Reaper looks at her

Outcast: What?

Kim: What?

Doctor Cold: WHAT?

Logan: What?

Grim Reaper: What?

Doctor Cold: Wait what was your what?

Grim Reaper: My What?

Doctor Cold: Yes You're What?

Grim Reaper: Oh Satan Kidnapped Joe Chill.

Outcast spelled the Guinness to Logan

Outcast: That's Terrible!

Logan: I wasn't even close to you?

Doctor Cold: use my computers to look for Satan While I make the cure.

Outcast: Even The circle of life Has a outside

Logan: What's that outside?

Grim Reaper: Satan...

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