The Funerals

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At Green Hills at night Auntie was in bed asleep and so was Richie having nightmares. Sonic in the kiffen sitting down getting depressed and sad. He was drinking and crying and there was a family photo and Sonic was looking at it. The Sonic started to catch and he covered his mouth and there was blood. Sonic cleans it off and Catching More and Auntie turns the lights on and helps him and Sonic falls to the floor and Auntie calls 999.

Back At The Grim reaper He was walking somewhere at night with Outcast.

Outcast: So what's the plan?

Grim Reaper: We Found Satan and We see what he has been up to.

They walked in a room and they saw people on the ground dead. There was a woman trying to get up.

Grim Reaper: let me help you.

Grim reaper helps her up. And she sees im in panic mode

Grim reaper: It's Ok, It's Ok... What happened here?

Doctor: H..He Forces us all to make the cure.. But we couldn't make it. He gave us all things that no one ever saw.

Grim reaper sees the stuff.

Grim Reaper: He had someone ready to make it didn't he?

Doctor: He Got a call and then... Killed everyone here.

Grim Reaper looks around.

Grim reaper: Do You know where he is now?

Doctor: No I was hiding under the desk. I was lucky to survive.

Grim reaper heard something outside.

Grim reaper: Stay here.

IHe went to the exit and It was raining with thunder and he didn't see anything but he stepped on something on the floor wet and it was a teddy bear. He picks it up and looks at it.

Grim Reaper: Winnie?...

He starts to have another flashback looking at Teddy and it blurs to Amy Rose Holding the Bear and SHe was walking in the room and Sonic holding baby Ricky.

Amy: Here my Sweet Rick.

She gives him an teddy bear

Amy: This is Winnie... He will be your friend until you grow up.

Ricky holds the teddy bear and then we see now Grim reaper holding it.

???: Beep Beep Richard!

Grim Reaper turns and then something knocks him out to sleep falls to the ground of rain. He wakes up and sees two demons holding his arm and then he sees Satan right front of him in the shadows.

Satan: Ha, ha!... Poor Richard... Sees the mother that raised him dies.. And Good thing I was the one who sent Knuckles where she was.

Grim Reaper snaps out of it with rage

Grim Reaper: YOU DID WHAT!

One the demons shocks his neck and falls back to the ground.

Satan: rexall.. You can't die...

Grim Reaper: So You made something that can't be cured... You just needed them to see that there was no Cure.

Satan: OH You And Outcast know.

He steps out the shadows and reveals himself.

Satan: There's a lot of problems with me!

He pulls a small jar that had blood in it.

Satan: Take my blood As Well... This Shit Is KILLING Me...

Grim Reaper sees his skin dying out and he's getting a little bit weak.

Satan: Look, I'm Raining out of time Here Grim Reaper!

Grim Reaper: Why Should I help you?

Satan: OH Didn't I Say! I sent my Demon Takers to send my blood all Around this Green Hills City HAHAHA!!

Grim Reaper: Then Why tell me?

Satan: Because... I had a vision... Something is coming and.. It's.. it's something that will have all The chaos Stones!

Grim Reaper: So You know about them?


Grim reaper: Then Why Me?

Satan: let's just say... Amy Rose won't be the only person in your family to be dead... I Be Watching you..

Behind Grim Reaper someone hits him with a shovel. He falls in a coffin and then they bury him.

They left him and a few hours later Grim Reaper woke up and his hand pulled up from the dried and got up. He flexes his bones.

Grim reaper: OOH OWLL!!!

He hears a phone ringing and it was on the ground. He put it up and answered it.

Grim Reaper: hello?


Grim Reaper: What You Want?

Satan: Oh rexall... You're not going to be alone Forever... It will Come soon.

Grim reaper looks to his left and sees His mother's grave and his and... there were three holes and it was for... Auntie, Sonic and Richie.

Grim reaper: Where is it

The Call ended and Grim Reaper a Voice.

???: Doctor Cold has it.

Grim reaper looks and sees... Dark-Girl but she's 16 years old like him.

Kim: I Was going to get you but I see you done that yourself.

Grim Reaper: Thanks... My Name is-

Dark-Girl: I know who you are.. Ricky...

Outcast comes out the portal

Outcast: I thought we might need her for her... Shadows... Tell Him

Kim: Ok.. So.. You know the chaos Stones... Well I have one of them.

Grim reaper: Where is it?

Kim looks at him and tells hm

Kim: My Heart... It's keeping me alive and...

Outcast: her Father is the man that wants them all

Kim: STEP DAD!... He... When I was young he... Hurting me and when he couldn't find one.

Outcast: Satan came to her and... Despair tried to sell ehr and then... She ran away...

Grim Reaper: Walks up to her.

Grim Reaper: I'm so sorry to hear that...

Outcast: And When she gets angry there's.. A monster that comes to play

Kim: I have it under control I do... I got it control

Outcast: She went to timelines and she had to act like she was 24 but she really is... 16.

Grim Reaper: We need to stop Satan.

Outcast: Who are we looking for?

Grim reaper: Someone Named Doctor Cold?...

Outcast: I think I know?

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