Doctor Cold!

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At the hospital Sonic Was there and he sees people that have the same problem. Most half the city has it. Sonic holding Auntie's hand.

Sonic: it's going to be ok...

Auntie crying looking at Sonic

Auntie: I don't want you to go too Dad...

Richie: What do you Mean too?

Sonic looks at Richie and Auntie tears up.

Sonic: You had a brother named Ricky. He died.. He needed help but he didn't get it.. We all tried to help him but... It was too late.

Richie looks at them crying.

Meanwhile the Team was at an old middle school.

Grim Reaper: What the hell?

Kim: He's in there?

Outcast walks up to the building and The team follows him and then Kim falls over a rock and Grim reaper catches her in a post.

Grim Reaper: You Ok?...

Kim looked at him and her face red.

Kim: I'm... Fine...Thank You...

Grim Reaper: You're welcome.

Outcast walks back to the team

Outcast: If we all go in there That Doctor probably won't give us the cure.

Grim Reaper: Then good thing we have another side of plans.

They put their hands to a circle.

Grim Reaper: We're the B Team!

Kim: B Team?

Grim Reaper: You know the A Team... Well this is the B team.

They all put their hands in.

Grim Reaper: 1 2 3!

They pulled they're hands up and Outcast hitted himself on the head.

Grim Reaper and Kim look at him.

Grim reaper: Did you hit yourself?

Outcast: Somebody did?

Outcast walked back to the door. Outcast looks around the door but it somehow locked

Outcast: I think there's a key or something?

The flor doorstep breaks and he falls down the hole


Grim reaper and Kim runs to the hole

Outcast on the floor

Outcast: Found it...

The Others went down and They saw an old class room and there was a door open in the classroom and they walked out.

They heard a voice screaming help.

Kim: What The Hell was that?!

Grim reaper and Outcast walked to it and there was a fish tank that was big and didn't have water in it and there was someone in it.

Outcast: Doctor cold...

Doctor Cold looked at him and Grim reaper opened the tank by smashing it.

Doctor Cold is kinda weak and he doesn't have the stranger to break it. There was an ice Blood jar in his heart to keep him alive.

Doctor Cold: Thank you.

Kim: We need your... Satan's blood is around the city and there are civilians that are dying from it.

Doctor Cold: I tried to explain to Satan there is no Cure... he gave me stuff that can kill people not help them. I need healthy drugs that can make the cure and someone's blood. If I use Satan's Then whatever I use to make the cure could die.

Grim Reaper: What about mine?

Doctor Cold looks at him.

Doctor Cold: Is your DNA Connect to humans?

Outcast: yes his DNA is.

Grim Reaper: I was human... Before I made that deal with that prick!

Doctor Cold: then come with me... We check your DNA and see if it could work.

Grim Reaper and Kim helps him up.

Doctor Cold: Crane Christ tried to kill me... He was at the point about to go to green hills and hurt civilians. When I got up and tried to stop him he attacked and put me in the Fish Tank. He was at the side about to turn the water on

Grim Reaper: Well you're god damn lucky this building ran out of water.

Meanwhile At Hell Satan was on a chair coughing out blood. Someone walked up to him and talked to Satan. It was the Purple and he sat next to him.

Purple: This wasn't the first time. Wasn't it?

Satan: It wasn't... I gave it to some little girl 35 years ago..

Purple: name?

Satan: Mia hat...

Back at the middle school Doctor Cold sees his blood is Human but he still needs the healthy drugs to save lives.

Doctor Cold: The Cure can happen but I need drugs to make it.

Grim reaper took the needle off his arm and walked to him.

Grim reaper: What kind of Drugs?

Doctor Cold: Drugs that make you happy what you think!

Lisinopril, Heroin, and hospital uses.

Grim Reaper: So any?

Doctor cold: Kinda Yes?

Grim Reaper walks out and Kim follows him. They walked out and went to green hills.

Kim: What are you up to?

Grim reaper: I know someone that has drugs at his place.

They went to the place and knocked at the door and Micheal answered,

Micheal: Oh Shit!

Grim reaper: Micheal... May I come in?

Kim: Yeah I'm staying outside so... have fun.

Grim Reaper and Micheal sit down and talk.

Grim reaper: I need your help... You still have drugs don't you?

Micheal: Mate... You got quit... i did quit mate-

Grim Reaper: I need to make that cure... I'm close to making it. A doctor has my blood and he needs healthy drugs. I remembered you stealing some when we were young. Where is it?

Micheal: You better be telling the truth man... How are you?

Grim Reaper: My mother is dead... And I had a choice to save but... I couldn't... This shit is happening and now there's a bigger dickhead that wants me dead but can't kill me...

Micheal: They Caught Joe... is that good to you?

Grim Reaper: I need these drugs or people are going to die..

Micheal: hold on... I go and get them...

Micheal got up and went to get them.

At the streets there was a fast van driving and Satan was in it.

Satan: So... Joe Chill...

Satan pulls out a camera and films Joe that is tied up.

Satan: Why Did You Kill Ricky Rose Hedgehog?.

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