I Need A Name...

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At The Pub Ricky was talking to Logan and Outcast was looking for a drink.

Logan: You're going to do WHAT!

Ricky: A heo.. I was giving these powers for a reason. Not just to kill myuslef. I need A name to be that name


Logan: It's at the back there!

Outcast: Ah I see It!

At the door the door smashed and Micheal in anger walks to the pub


Ricky: Well I Guess others are going to see me as that way

Micheal knows that voice. He couldn't believe it but sees it.

Micheal: Ricky?... Is that you!

Ricky: The man myself...

Micheal: I thought you were dead?

Ricky: Merry Christmas...

Logan: Dude it's April...

Ricky: Shut up you!

Outcast: Where's the ice?

Logan looks at Outcast

Logan: Who Drinks Guinness with ice?

Outcast: I do Motherfucker!

Ricky: Hey Can I have one?

Outcast: No You're too young!

Micheal: I'm Sorry What is this who is he like a friend or a Second Papa?

Ricky: Friend!

Outcast: None... I'm Outcast...

Micheal: I am Michael

Outcast looks at him seriously.

Logan: So this guy Satan? He turned you into this?

Ricky: I need to use that name so If i see my family I won't call myself Ricky!

Micheal: I hope There was no sacrifice.

Outcast: Ricky I'm sorry... To see my family I need to Sacrifice you

Ricky: Wait What Really?

Outcast: No...

Micheal: Jesus Man I'm sorry But you look like something that a child would have nightmares lad!

Outcast holds Guinness

Outcast: What is this?

Logan: It's Guinness?

Outcast: This is shiet!

Micheal: Then why did you want it?

Ricky looks back at the betting list and still sees Grim Reaper name on it.

Ricky: Grim Reaper...

The lads looks at him

Ricky: The Amazing Grim Reaper...

Logan: Amazing

Micheal: Love it!

Outcast pulls a drink.

Outcast: To You Mr. Grim Reaper!

Out of nowhere Ricky started to see a vision. He sees a car about to hit another car back and at the front of that car a daughter's mother dies under the car and everyone sees.

Logan: Right Rick!... Ricky?

Ricky gets up from the chair

Outcast: Something about to happen?

Ricky runs out of the pub and sees the Daughter and Mother walking across the street and there a car stopped but the one behind it was driving too fast. The driver was texting someone not looking at the road. The little girl sees and then... Logan and Micheal and outcast sees Ricky at the front of the car and holds it and stops the crash. When the other car slowed down he checked on him and the other driver.

Ricky: You ok?

The woman looks at him.

Woman: I don't know if it was the hit from the wheel or I'm seeing a skeleton but Thank you so Much!

The guy sees him too. He gets out of his car and sees he stopped the crash.

Little Girl: Who are you Mr?

Logan walks up

Logan: His Name!... Is The Amazing Grim Reaper... And he's a SuperHero!...

Girl: Well thank god for that!

Outcast: looks like it can work....

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