You Just Keep coming Back And Back and Back...

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Outcast was walking and he saw Ricky on a rooftop. He goes up to him. Ricky looks to the ground.. Thinking to commit Suicide.

Outcast: What are you doing?

Ricky: What's the point living.. If you can't even see the people that care about... And then even if i can... I just hurt them more...

He puts his foot out the end of the rooftop

Outcast: It doesn't matter if you can or can't... Satan scanned you.. He scanned me too...

Ricky: What Are You Talking about?

Outcast: If you see them... He will hurt you over and over again

Ricky: When I got hit by that car.. I didn't die... But I felt pain...

Outcast: That's the scan... You being tortured already... Your mind is making you think things that it shouldn't.... That's what satan does.. He messes with people's heads, He uses that to turn us into our real fears... We are monsters now... But that doesn't mean our bad...

Ricky listens but he still kills himself. He drops down to the ground and his body falls and he kills himself. Outcast sees There is blood all over the floor. Outcast walks down the root and gets to his body. Ricky wakes up shocked.

Outcast: Welcome back...

Ricky starts to cry. Then somehow he saw something. He saw at the streets woods there was a bus stuck and there was danger coming to it and there were rocks blocking it.

Ricky knows where the bus is so he gets to it. There were people in the bus and there was no driver and there were big rocks blocking their way.

Outcast: I drive the bus. You find a way to get these rocks away.

Outcast gets on the bus and Ricky looks for a way to get the rocks away.

Outcast: Rick whatever you do... Don't use your powers. These people don't know how or where you got them.

Ricky: Lad their looking at me

The people on the bus were looking at him. Ricky got close to the rocks and thought.

Ricky: Wait a second?... These rocks... They're not from earth..

The Rocks were red and flashing. He touch it and something in his head came and it was a vision. He can see fire shooting at the rock. His eyes opened

Outcast: RICK!

Ricky looks at his hand and there was fire power. He fires at the rock and the rock gets damaged.

Ricky: HAHA, I told you I got this

Outcast: You Idiot!

He makes a pat and gets ripped of the rocks that is blocking the way. When he was finished he goes over to the bus door but it was locked.

Ricky: Lad Open the door!

Outcast writes something and it was a number and he gives it to him from the window.

Rick gets his phone and rings him.

Ricky: Come on.

Outcast: No can do...

Ricky: What you mean?

Outcast: They're atfaid of you...

Ricky: But I can Controll it.

Outcast: I can't let you in. They said if you get in.. They're getting off.

Ricky: Then let them off I don't care they have to walk.

Stranger: That Monster going to kill us!!

Outcast: SHUT IT YOU!!!

Ricky looks at him.

Ricky: Oh I see... Go... I Stay...

Outcast: I Find you...

Outcast left with the bus. Ricky walks to the river he sees and hlloks at himself. He sees himself and he doesn't even know who he is anymore.

Ricky: Great... I'm a Monster...

Satan: I did Warn you..

The Thunder hits and Ricky turns his head and it was Satan behind him.

Satan: When I said it will change you... I mean it will change everything... See Outcast is different to yours...

Ricky in anger looks at him.

Ricky: What's worse... I can't even see my family anymore...

Satan: who said you can't see them anymore... I said if you tell them your REAL Name... You come back To hell... You're lucky your friend knows who you are...

Ricky: You mean I can talk to them?

Satan: You Just can't give your real name out... When I said I hate you... That doesn't mean I won't let you see your family...

Ricky: HOW!?

Satan: looks at him serious

Satan: That for you to find out...

Satan leaves in a portal. Ricky looks to himself at the water and sees himself normal....He looks at his hands and sees them still a skeleton.

When Outcast was looking for Ricky he saw him on a boat and Outcast saw one and rounded him.

Outcast: What are you doing now?

Ricky was tying himself and looked at Outcast.

Ricky: Bye!

He jumps in the water during himself and he breathes doing it and he dies.

Outcast: 3...2...1...

Ricky wakes up again and he gets untired and breaks the rips in anger and gets back on his boat.

Outcast: Are you done?

Ricky: AAAHHH!!!!!.. Why can't I go.... I want to go Home... But Going home isn't going to help...

Outcast feels bad and he sits next to him.

Outcast: i know how it feels... My wife died from Cancer.. And..

Ricky: And What?....

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