Chapter 11

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If you are uncomfortable with any type mention of blood, then you might need to skip this chapter. If you miss any important information, you might be able to figure out what it is in the next chapter.

Luz's POV:

I just finished wiping the blood off my forehead.

I put a little graven vurn on a band aide to help heal the cut.

Graven vurn was like the Boiling Isles version of Polly Sporn.

It's odd how many things in the Boiling Isles are alike from Earth.

Besides from that, band aides were exactly the same.

I was almost scared that band aides weren't going to work. I thought that it was a small cut, but I was far from right.

When I had touched my forehead only a little blotch of blood showed up. But only moments later, it got much worse.

I still need to clean some blood off the kitchen floor.

I sighed and touched my forehead, wincing at the feeling of the cut.

It was a pretty deep cut, and of course a band aid wouldn't cut it, but it would do.

I threw the trash of the band aides away, putting everything I used back in the cupboard.

Walking into the hall, I ran across the carpets and down the stairs.

King was sitting on the couch, eating the box of crackers I got him. Even if there was still a tiny bit of blood on the corner, but I don't think he noticed.

Probably not that sanitary-

I rounded the corner, making my way to the kitchen.

There wasn't that much blood. Maybe a few drops.

I grabbed a cloth from the main countertop, looking for where all the spots of blood were.

Maybe six or seven drops.

I pouted to myself.

I just haft to be short don't I? Being short just makes everything harder.

Grabbing things, talking to people, moving through crowds, driving, etc.

I don't know how to drive, but as soon as I get home I'm going to get my learners!

And hey! Maybe I'll get my learners permit for flying a staff!

It's not like you need to be tall to fly a staff.

I wonder how old you need to be in the Boiling Isles to get a licence.

I'd assume it would be the same age. Right?

I kneeled on the floor, trying to wipe up two drops of blood, only spreading it.

Awh for fricks sake.

I scrubbed a bit more, getting rid of any remaining blood on the floor, moving on to the other spots and doing the same.

I threw the rag on the edge of the sink.

Well then. It's Thursday at 9:00 O-clock, Eda is probably still sleeping, and I am skipping school.

Eda would be proud of me for that.

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