Chapter One: Bent

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I pace around Chris's living room in complete panic. He's dead he's dead, I put my hands over my face and try to calm myself. Where's Chris? Why isn't he answering my phone calls? Could he have something to do with this? I feel like I haven't blinked once since the detectives left. I feel sick, like I'm gonna throw up any second.

My phone starts to ring upstairs, I get up and quickly go upstairs. I'm hoping it's Chris, I go in the bedroom and grab my phone. Max is calling me. I accept the call "Max, hi."

"Charlotte! What the hell is going on? Have the detectives come by yet?"

"Yeah, they left already." I look down at my shaky hand

"This's nuts!"

"You're telling me! Max, I can't believe any of this."

"What's Cerulli think of all this?"

I scoff "I don't know, he isn't here. I can't get ahold of him."

"Well don't worry, babe. I'm sure he'll be there soon."

"Max, I'm scared. What if Chris had something to do with this?"

"You think Chris had him whacked?"

"I don't know, maybe? He was pissed about someone paying O'Connell's bail."

"That doesn't mean he killed him, babes. Hell, I was mad when I heard about that."

"I just wish he was here with me."

"I know, honey. Whoever killed O'Connell did you and his other victims a favor. You know that don't you?"

"In a way, I'm just hoping it wasn't the man I'm sleeping with."

"You've been with him a while, you should know that people with Chris's money never do their own dirty work."

"You're not helping his case." I giggle

"Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood. If you do find out he did it though, what're you gonna do?"

I sigh "I don't know. I haven't thought that far."

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, I tell Max I'll call him tomorrow then hang up. Chris comes in the room and looks at me. "What're you doing up?"

I stand up "Nevermind that. Where've you been?"

"I had to go to Oculus. Something was going on, I'm sorry I thought you'd be asleep."

"I've been calling you."

"I didn't bring my phone with me. It's over there charging." He points to his side table

I see his phone sitting there, I sigh and sit on the bed.

"Baby, what's going on?" He comes over and sits with me

"Remember those detectives I told you about?"

He nods "What about them?"

"They came by earlier, they told me they found Matthew O'Connell dead."

He looks at me surprised, "Really? What did the detectives say?"

"Not much, they wanna question you and I sometime this week. Christopher, I need you to be honest with me, did you have anything to do with this?"

"No. As much as I wanted him to disappear, I promise I didn't have anything to do with it."

I look in his eyes and they look sincere. I nod and hold his hand.

I was up for work by six, how I was able to go back to sleep I'll never know. I got out of Chris's bed and went in to the bathroom. I wash my face, I brush my teeth, then I head downstairs. I smell coffee, Mrs.Holland must be here already. I grab a mug from the cabinet and I pour some coffee into it.

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