Chapter Twenty Eight: Pure

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The week went by quick and before I knew it, it was Friday. I packed my things up and was about to head out for the week when I heard a knock on my office door.

"Come in!" I say

The door opens and I see Laura pop her head in "Hey! Happy Friday. Hey so listen, me and Maddi are gonna grab dinner. Wanna join us? We're going to that restaurant called The Modern."

I go to say no but Laura steps in "Please don't say no, we barely see you anymore."

She's right, usually after work I wanna go home and be with Chris. I could use some girl talk too, what the hell. I look at her and smile "Okay sure."

She smiles happily "Great! Let's head out in five." She turns on her heel and walks off.

I smile and grab my phone. I type out a quick text for Chris to let him know. "Going out to dinner with Laura and Maddi. Love you. xx" I press send then wait to leave. My phone vibrates and I check it. It's a text from Chris, I open it and it says "Okay, have Malcom take you. He'll take them home also if need be."

"I will. I'll be home after dinner, call me if you're up for it."

As I press send Lauren comes back, I look at her as she says "Okay, let's go."

I stand up and grab my purse, we walk out of my office and I turn to lock the door. I see Maddi walk over and once my door was locked we left. I walk up to the familiar SUV. Malcom rolls down the window "Miss Montgomery, ready to go?"

"Yes but, would you mind taking me and some friends to dinner? We're going to The Modern, do you know where that is?"

"Yes ma'am on 53rd street. Of course I can take you." He grins

"Thank you, Malcom." I grin

I turn to Laura and Maddi, happily I say "Let's go!"

Malcom drops us off at the restaurant and we go inside. We're seated quickly and I start looking at the menu. I quickly realize how fancy and expensive this place is. It looks like a place Chris would take a business client, or maybe even me on a date. I usually only come to places like this with Chris, I guess since I'll be his wife eventually I might as well get used to it.

While we eat Laura looks at me and smiles "So! How's everything been with you? Your engagement's everywhere. That must be strange."

I nod "Yeah, it's been weird. I never thought I'd marry someone who's in the public eye."

Maddi giggles "You can't any more public than Christopher Cerulli."

I nod "I really went all in." I laugh

"You guys haven't been together long right?" Laura asks

"I've known him just about a year." I take a sip of my iced tea

"This wedding is gonna be incredible! Any plans yet?" Maddi asks

I shake my head "Nope, just enjoying the idea of being newly engaged. Plus Chris is out of town, I wanna plan our wedding together. His input means the world to me."

"You guys are great together, can I ask you something though? Without trying to be rude." Laura looks at me

"Sure." I shrug

"You've only been with him a year, isn't it a bit quick to marry him?"

"It is soon, I'm scared out of my mind. But I also know how much I love him." I grin

"Nope, nope, I need more than that. I need more than I love him."

I laugh "What? Why?"

"Because you're my friend Char, I wanna make sure you're doing this for the right reasons. You were crushed when you and Mason split. I wanna make sure you're making the right decision. So come on, tell me something."

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