Chapter Twenty Two: Path

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I sit in a massage chair in a nail salon with Max, I needed to get a pedicure and I made max come along. I was gonna invite Jasmine along too but, she has work. I gently sway my feet in the water. I look over at Max and look at his cast.

"How much longer till you can get that thing off?"

"Three more weeks, unfortunately I'm ready for it to come off now." He groans

"Three weeks'll fly by. Before you know it you'll be getting it taken off."

"I hope so. Sorry I'm not coming tonight, Ben's not feeling well. We ate at this new restaurant by his place and he's paying for it now."

"Aw that's to bad. Tell him I said I hope he feels better. Besides him being sick, how're you guys doing?"

"Great, we're doing really great. I'm actually thinking about moving into his place."

I smile widely "Wow! That's wonderful!"

"Yeah, he wants me to but..I like having my own apartment to go to."

"Well if you ask me, you should. You guys are wonderful together."

"Thanks Char, how've you been? How's the new place."

I sigh "Still pretty empty, but it's nice. I like it."

"You seen him around?"

I nod "Only once though. He came by my place last week, we talked for a little."


I shrug "Nothing important, I'm still wondering why he even decided to come."

"Maybe he wanted to see you." He shrugs " You never know."

"Maybe but, it wouldn't have mattered. He and I want two different things. I want a family and a husband and he wants....I don't even know what he wants, I don't even think he knows what he wants."

"It'll work out Char, you're twenty six! You're still young. Plenty of time to find a man that drives you insane.

I smile "You're right. Plenty of time."

I had the pedicurist paint my toes a bright metallic red color. My dress's black and the shoes have a peep toe design so a pop of color will be nice. When I got home I took a quick shower, I need to leave for the gala soon. I can't wait for tonight to be over with. I don't wanna see James again after tonight, he's just another constant reminder of why I'm not with Chris.

I've seen James since everything's happened but I keep myself at a distance. I just wanted to get the project done and over with. I could've backed out but what would that do? Not much. I figured I should just finish off strong. Speaking of James, he'll be here in a couple hours so I need to hurry.

I go in my bathroom and I start my makeup. The gala is a masquerade so, I think I should do a dramatic look. I go through my makeup routine then start on my eyes. I do a Smokey black and glittery eye. It'll compliment my dress extremely well. I put on long false eyelashes then a deep red lipstick. I look at myself and I actually like how I look.

I curl my hair and I start putting it up, I decide to do a messy updo and once my bun was secure I let some hair dangle on the sides of my face. I clasp my hands together and say "Time to get dressed!"

I splurged a little on my dress for tonight. It's a special night so I thought I should look nice. I take my dress out of the closet and hang it on the door. I open my box that holds my lingerie. I pick a black lace thong and I skip wearing a bra. I put on my panties then go to get my dress. I unzip the dress and smile, it's even more perfect than I remember.

Sense Of RestraintDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora