Chapter Three: Broken

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I walk as far as I can, I'm so angry I can't think straight. He was with her that night, doing god knows what! We slept together that night and he went to see another woman afterwards.

I find a city bench and sit down. I don't like feeling this angry, or is it jealousy? Should I be jealous? I take my phone out of my purse and call him. It rings three times before he picks it up.

"Cerulli." He says as if he didn't know it was me calling "I really can't talk right now."

"Then just listen, give me one god dammed minute of your time. I'll even time myself. Can you do that?"

"I really-"

"Did you or did you not, go to Oculus that night to see Alexandra."



"Yes." He forces out

A large lump forms in my throat. "Was it specifically to see her?"


Tears prick my eyes, he knows how I feel about that woman. "God, you're such a prick. You should've told me! Not lie to me and abuse my trust. And to make it all worse, you went and saw her at the one place that's a soft spot for me. That should mean something to you, Christopher."

"God dammit, Charlotte I-"

"No, no, I don't wanna hear it. You broke my trust."

"Stop, let me explain."

"God, this was such a bad time for you to go away. I need you here, I'm going through a lot right now. With my childhood being dug up again and with O'Connell's murder, I don't need this, Chris I don't want it. If you cared, you would be here for me."


"No I've heard enough. Goodbye Christopher." I hang up and I stay on the bench.

After work I head home, I decided to walk. Chris never called me back after I hung up on him. I don't know what do about all this. I don't know if we're together or not. I get home and I walk inside. I hear the TV from the living room and I smell food. "Maxy?"

"In here!" He calls from the living room

I walk over to him and sit on the couch "Hey! What happened to you today? Laura said you bailed?"

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"Oh, okay. Uh, where's Cerulli? You guys are a package deal most nights."

"I don't wanna talk about him either." I look at Max "Let's talk about you, How was the guy the other night?"

"It was okay, no spark though. Don't think he and I match."

"Don't worry, Maxy. You'll find a man to disappoint you soon enough."

He looks at me "That sounds like a call out. What'd Cerulli do?"

I groan "He lied to me about where he was the other night. He said something was going on at his club. Turns out he went and saw an ex."

"Yikes. You think he cheated?"

"No, yes, maybe? I don't know. Either way, he's lost my trust. As you know trust is a big thing for me."

"Rightfully so. You guys broke up then?"

"I don't know, he's not in town. He's in Chicago for meetings the next few days. The only way he can save this's cutting off complete contact with his ex. If he won't then I can't trust him."

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