Chapter Twenty Four: Define

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This morning Chris woke me up gently, I reluctantly open my eyes. I look at him and see he's already showered and dressed. I whine "Wow, you showered without me. Rude." He chuckles then kisses my forehead "I'm sorry, I just wanted to tell you I'm heading out now. I'll see you tomorrow." He holds my hand

I take a deep breath and say "Okay, fly safe. Please text me when you land so I know you're okay."

"I will." He grins

"I'll see you tomorrow, I love you." I grin

He leans in and kisses my lips softly, I kiss him back and he pulls away "I love you too." He tells me. I smile and lightly tease "You said it."

He smiles but rolls his eyes "Go to work, Darling." He pulls away and leaves the room.

I sit up in bed and smile, I'm gonna be so bored tonight without him. Maybe I can call Max and Jasmine over, I'll text them both later, maybe even Ben and John will come. I get out of bed and head to the closet, I look through everything. I really need to update my fall and winter wardrobe. I decide on a white v-neck shirt with black thin stripes. I grab a pair of black pants then walk out of the closet.

I take a quick shower then get out and put the clothes I picked on. I wish I could've gone to LA with him, it would've been nice. Maybe another time, he always seems up for time with me. I quickly blow dry my hair then I pull my hair up in a ponytail. It looks to be gloomy outside so I don't do much makeup. I get up and go back to the closet. I pull on a deep grey long cardigan, then I grab my black loafers. I look at myself in the mirror and say "That'll do."

I head downstairs and I see Mrs.Holland making breakfast. She turns and says "Good morning, Miss Montgomery! I hope you're hungry."

"Morning and yeah, I am actually." I sit at the island

"Here you go, hun." She puts a plate of food in front of me.

"Thank you." I smile

"Mr.Cerulli told me to help you in anyway I can, is there anything I can do for you now?"

I shake my head "Nope. This's perfect, thank you."

"If you need anything just let me know." She smiles then walks off to do something else.

While I eat my breakfast, I text Max and Jasmine. "Hey, Chris's out of town tonight, come over? We can get dinner and drink wine and just talk. Let me know!"

I sit in the back of the SUV while Malcom drives me to work. I look at him and ask "So, what're you up to today Malcom?"

He clears his throat "Well, after I drop you off at work, I have to go to my daughters school. Their in their school's fall play."

"Aw! How cute! I hope you and your family have fun today."

He smiles "Thank you Miss Montgomery. After the play I'll be back to pick you up. Or if you need anything don't be afraid to call me."

"Thank you Malcom." I smile

Malcom drops me off at work and I go inside. I see some clients in the waiting room already. I walk past everyone and go to my office. I sit in my chair and I pull my phone out of my purse. I get a text back from Max, I open it and read it. "You guys are back together?? Or are you just stalking his place?"

I roll my eyes "We're back together, smart ass. You coming or what? You can bring Ben if you want."

He responds "Yeah yeah, I'll come. I'll check with Ben too."

I smile and type "Yay! See you tonight!"

I put my phone away and get to work. Tonight's gonna be nice, just a evening with my friends no drama. It's exactly what I need.

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