Chapter Six: Pain

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Trigger warning: assault


I sit in my room and I fan myself with a magazine. I can't wait for summer to end, I'd much rather be freezing my ass off. I groan and take my shirt off and lay back on my bed in my bra. I keep fanning myself with the magazine, Max knocks on my door and walks in. He looks at me "Damn girl, you dying in here?"

"Yes! It's so hot." I look at him and he's completely dressed. "Where you going hot stuffs?"

"I may or may not have a lunch date." He grins

"Oooh! Is it with a certain artist?"

"Maybe." He smiles

"Yay! I'm so happy for you, Maxy. He seemed to really take a liking to you the other night."

"Yeah, we really hit it off. He's a interesting guy. Tell your guy that I said thanks for introducing us. Do you know if that was his plan all along? Put the gay guys he knows together?"

I giggle "No idea, either way it worked out for you guys."

"What're you doing today? Besides laying around in your bra?"

"I have a barbecue to go to. You remember John, my coworker?"

"The guy you went on a date with then ended the night with Cerulli in your bed."

I give him a look "Yes, that's the one."

"Damn. Dude must really like you. Can't say I'd still wanna be friends with you after that."

"John was actually really understanding about it. He's got a new girlfriend now and he invited Chris and I to his barbecue. If you must know."

"Then I hope you guys have fun. I'm surprised Cerulli isn't here now. Where's he at?"

"Some lunch thing. He'll be here tonight though."

"Thanks for telling me, I'll pick up earplugs." He jokes

"As if you would have to, you sleep like the dead."

"He's at a lunch thing? Why didn't you go?"

I shrug "I didn't wanna go. He was okay with going alone. So It worked out. I didn't wanna stand around in the hot sun wearing heels, eating tiny finger sandwiches and pretending to laugh at old white men's terrible most likely sexist jokes."

"Ooh. You're right. I don't blame you. Plus since you're a woman they'd probably say you don't understand and explain it to you like you're stupid."

"Don't even get me started, Maxy. Luckily for me Chris isn't like that."

"If he was I don't think you would've given him a chance. You've got a good one Char, don't screw it up."

I giggle "of course I will."

He rolls his eyes "Okay, I gotta go. I'll see you later."

I wave and Max leaves my room. I hear the front door shut and I sit up. I should probably start getting ready to go to this barbecue. Once Chris gets here we're leaving. I need to shower, I'm dying of heat here. I get off my bed and walk to the bathroom. I flip the light on then close the door behind me.

I pull back the shower curtain and I turn the water on. Making sure I turn the water on cold, I step away and prepare to step in.

After my shower, I wrap myself up in a towel. I go in my room and close the door behind me. I'm gonna need to wear a dress today, it's to warm to wear anything else. I open my closet and look through everything. I find a dress that Ivy suggested I get. I haven't seen Ivy since our coffee date. I need to call her and check on her.

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