Chapter Four: Harsh

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"And then I walked up to her and punched her." I explain as Max and I walk around the park.

"Let me see if I've got this right, this Alexandra girl offered to provide Cerulli something that you aren't. And now you're mad at Cerulli for missing something that was a big part of his life before he met you?"



I look up at Max "What's that hm?"

"Nothing nothing."

I stop walking "No wait, tell me."

"No Charlotte, it's your relationship and I'd rather not stick my nose in it. Come on let's go get some ice cream or something. It's hot as hell out here."

"Since when do you not wanna be nosy? Just tell me."

Max sighs "Fine, you want the truth? I think you're overreacting."

I scoff "You're taking his side?"

"No, I'm not taking anyone's side. I just see his perspective a little clearer than you do."

"Then simplify it for me, wise one."

He raises his brows "You really wanna know?"

I nod "Tell me."

"I kinda agree with him. You're being stubborn." He shrugs "He told you what he's interested in and you shot him down without any reason to not trust him. Sorry babes, that's how men work. If a woman isn't interested in doing something in bed, men will go find another girl to do it. It's harsh but, it's true."

"You think Chris would do that?"

"Maybe, think of it this way, would you stay with Chris if he didn't wanna have vanilla sex?"

I sigh "Probably not."

"See. I think Chris loves you a lot, he just needs a bit more from you. I don't blame him or you, you guys just need more communication."

"After what happened with our foster dad-"

"You don't have to explain yourself to me, Char. I get it, really I do. I think you're the strongest woman I know and I respect the hell out of you for rebuilding yourself the way you have. I'm sure Cerulli thinks the same, you're a bad bitch. But I still think you're forcing the inevitable."

"Then what do you think I should do?"

"If you love Cerulli the way you seem to, I would try to meet him halfway. Or instead of Alexandra asking him to be her dom, he'll be going after her."

"Well thanks for that visual, Maxwell." I snap

"I'm just saying Char, everyone has their own desires and fetishes. It's normal for when people aren't satisfied to leave. For example, say I was with a guy that was against giving head, is getting head my whole world? No, of course not. But would I wanna be with a guy who wouldn't sack up and give me one once in a while? No not really. I know it's not the same thing but, that's the best explanation I can give."

I sigh "You have a point."

"Plus, wasn't it you that was telling me their ex fiancé was boring in bed? And that you were looking for more?"

I blush "Well, yeah, but I meant I needed a little more excitement. Not the whole fricken circus."

"Well you better get fitted for your clown shoes if you're as in love with Cerulli as you say you are." He walks off "Let's go eat, I'm starving."

I follow him and think about what Max said. Maybe I am being unreasonable, I do love Chris. I wanna spend my life with him, I want him to be my husband and the father of my kids someday. I need to try to do this, for his and my sake.

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