Chapter Seventeen: Sweet

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The weeks have been flying by, summer's finally almost over and the weather's been slightly changing. I've been working a lot with my day job and with James on the charity event. I feel like maybe life might be turning back around. Things between Chris and I have been so great. He's been teaching me a lot about being a sub, I've been enjoying it so far. I haven't been this good in a while, it feels nice.

Max's still recovering from his injuries but he's good otherwise. Complaining he can't do a lot on his own like drive. I've been taking him around when I can, I finally got my car out of the shop. Chris has been trying to convince me to get rid of it though. He doesn't think it's safe.

After my last client, I'm going with James to a after school program. He thinks it'll be good for me to see the kids we'll be helping. I'm actually really excited to go, it'll be cool to see the people I've been trying to help.

While I catch up on client notes, My work phone rings. I pick it up and say "Charlotte Montgomery speaking."

The receptionist on the other says "Hi Charlotte, sorry to disturb you. There's a detective Moore and a detective Martinez here to see you."

The detectives are here? What could they want? I've already been interviewed about the case. "Uh, okay. Send them back, I guess."

"Will do."

I hang up the phone and clean up my desk a little. I throw out my Starbucks cup from this morning then straighten up a few things. I stand up then smooth out my dress. I open my door and I see the two detectives round the corner. I politely smile and say "Detectives. What a nice surprise! How may I help you."

Detective Martinez looks at me "Miss Montgomery, we have a few follow up questions we'd like to ask you."

"No problem, come on in." I move aside.

The two detectives come in a sit on my couch. I sit across from them in my computer chair and I cross my legs. "So, what can I help you with?"

"We were just hoping to go over your statement from that night."

"That night?" I question

"Yes, the night we found Mitchell O'Connell's body."

"Right right, well let's see, I remember I went to work that day then I went to visit my boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend is Christopher Cerulli, correct?" Detective Moore asks

"Yes sir. I went over to his place as I did most nights at that point. I currently live with him now."

Detective Martinez looks at me "So you went to his home and were you there all night?"

I think back and say "Yes, I believe so. It was a quiet night in. We had dinner then I took a shower, I believe? Then I turned in early and went to bed."

Detective Moore writes in a tiny notebook "And what about your boyfriend? Where was he? Did he also turn in early as well?"

I think back to that night, I remember we had dinner together then we went upstairs and had sex. An alarm goes off in my head, that was the night he was seeing Alexandra. I can't tell them that, I clear my throat. "As far as I know, yes."

Detective Martinez gives me an odd look "We have a witness that said they saw him out around 10:30pm. This witness claimed he looked upset and agitated. Is it possible that he may have left while you were sleeping?"

I gulp "I suppose so, I'm a heavy sleeper sometimes. He may have woken up then decided to take a walk."

"A walk? Why would he do that?" Detective Martinez asks

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