Chapter Sixteen: Content

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I could barely drive to the hospital, my hands were so shaky. I made Chris stay behind, I told him I wanted to go alone. The guilt I feel in my stomach weighs me down like a ton of bricks.

Once I park in the hospital structure, I quickly turn the car off. I grab my purse then get out of the car, I run to the elevator and I press the button to open it. Ben texted me which room to go to already so I just head up.

I feel bad about making Chris stay behind, I know he wants to be there for me and even Max but, now's not the best time. I get off the elevator and I walk to Max's room. I see Ben in the hall, he sees me and comes towards me. "Charlotte." He says when he hugs me.

I hug him tightly "How is he? Have you seen him?"

"Yeah, I've seen him." He pulls away "He's got quite a few injuries. Broken arm, uh probably a concussion. Broken ribs, uh black eye. Maybe more? I was barely able to focus on what I was hearing."

"What the hell happened?" I ask him in a hushed voice knowing there are other people here trying to rest.

"We went out to some new club tonight, while we waited to get in this jerk got tossed out. He was harassing some girl I guess. Max stepped in to defend her, you know how he is. The guy didn't like that. He stormed off and I thought we could move on. After a while Max went out to the alley for a smoke. I guess that guy couldn't just admit he was in the wrong. He brought friends and well...I'm sure you can guess what happened next."

I sigh "Jesus Christ." I put my hand on my forehead. "Is he awake can I see him?"

"Yeah he's up  you can go in and sit with him, if you'd like. I'm gonna go grab a coffee, you want something?"

"No, no thank you." I grin

He nods then walks towards the elevator. I go in Max's room and when I see him my heart breaks. He looks at me and grins, "Hey you!" He must be loopy from the pain meds I'm sure he's on.

"Hey you. How're you feeling?" I sit in the chair near his bed and I hold his hand.

"Been better. It's good to see you though Char."

I grin "it's good to see you, Maxy. I miss you a lot, I'm sorry for everything. Really I am, I should've been a better friend and sister to you."

He sighs "Honestly, that's the last thing on my mind right now. We both did shitty things, it's in the past."

"I'm still sorry. I promise to never lie to you again."

He grins "Then tell me something? Where've you been living lately?"

"You know where." I smile

He shrugs "wanted to see if you'd tell me the truth."

I giggle "No point in lying when I know you know the truth."

He laughs a pained laugh "Ow my ribs." He stops laughing

"Oh Maxy." I kiss his hand "Always have to be the hero," I scoff "That's what makes you so wonderful."

After a while of sitting with him, i look at him "Did you know you're the bravest person I know?"

"How'd you figure?" He looks at me

"Nobody I know would willingly fight four guys in a back alley. Then live to tell the tale, how do you stay so brave?"

He shrugs "Life's to short, you know? I'd rather do something and find out it's stupid than to say something's stupid and never had done it. Like the other day Ben tried getting me to help him make pottery."

Sense Of Restraintजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें