Willy Weasel X Reader (PART 2!!)

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(Your pov)

I had been stuck in this room for too many days.. Apparently willy weasel wanted to keep me. I still have no idea what happened to my friends til I started feeling weird. Like, something was off about me. I knew it couldn't be my period because the day we arrived here was the day I had stopped so it wasn't that. But maybe something else. Of course there was a bathroom in the room so i could go and use the bathroom as I please. But still... It was something off about this room i think causing me to feel this way. I figured why not look through the boxes they had down here. I soon looked through all of them except one. It had a 'Do not touch or open.' Like thing on it. So of course i didn't do what it told. I opened it to find a needle full of some green like liquid. I picked up the needle carefully and looked at it. It said 'shapeshifter DNA' as i looked confused "Whats this doing in a pizzeria...?" As soon as i said I felt like i was knocked out by something. I soon woke up a few hours later as I saw i was tied up. A guy came walking up to me as i saw that the needle like thing in my arm. I wanted to scream out in pain but i didn't. He soon untied me and left. I figured maybe he only put one of the needles in me and soon saw all of the needles were empty. I felt really weird, like i was able to do everything. I wanted to run, i felt like barking but didnt.. I soon found out tho what exactly he put in me. It was a DNA of a shapeshifter. Like those people who can transform to animals or items. Willy Weasel soon came in the room as he looked at me as he noticed the boxes "What the?" He said as he went through all the boxes and saw the needles "who put this here?" He asked me as i shrugged "Are... Are you ok?" He asked me as i felt dizzy and nauserous take over me. I fell straight to the ground as I didn't see anything but dark.


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