Willy's Wonderland Gang X Reader (Part 2)

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Holly and (Y/N) looked at the animatronics in front of them, 'oh shit.. we're fucked..' Holly thought. Willy Weasel seemed to smirk, as holly thought. The animatronics had given them a few bits of space but holly knew better, She had to wait til something happened to do something she didn't want to do. (Y/n) Looked terrified, as they looked at the animatronics looking at them. Something snapped inside of holly as she stood almost protective like. Holly looked at them, her eyes narrowing. (Y/n) looked unsure about what holly was doing. but they brushed it off. Holly glared which made almost anybody with that glare shutter. Holly had to admit, she was very much stronger and faster than what she shows. She was even known as the most bad ass there, well except when (Y/n) showed off which was like not often maybe once in a while. Holly glared before taking the hand of (Y/n) and then backed away slowly towards the door. Willy glared as the other animatronics did as well, Holly glared back which made them kinda feel afraid of the kid. She soon reached the door as she pushed it open, before holly and (Y/n) both booked it and closed the door behind them. Holly sighed, as (Y/n) did too. "Glad that we didn't die... but i swear your like a wolf, or maybe act like a kitsune..." (Y/n) said. Holly sighed, "Well.. then i guess i can sometimes act like one." Holly said. She looked near the trees, Holly and (Y/n) both walked back to the holly's house as they prepared themselves for any other attacks from them. Holly decided that (Y/n) could sleep over at her place, which surprising, They lived close to the restuarant. Holly yawned as she stared at (y/n) sleeping on the bed next to her. Holly sighed as she looked at the window, before slowly getting up and tiptoeing to the window. She opened it as a light shined from her and she leaped out of the window. (y/n) woke up from the light, as she looked to see holly gone. Holly ran as she soon reached the restuarant. She growled before walking, except she was in a wolf like form, walking. Holly got up onto a window and watched, she was hidden from them too, so she had to thank herself for that. She was sure they would attack her and (Y/n) again.

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