Willy Weasel X Hurt! Male! Reader

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(For Mr_CrazyEmerald) (not too sure what you wanted me to do so im going to have (y/n) cower on the forest floor when Willy is out in town and walks back. I'm also gonna be saying the bully was what hurt (y/n) and also it may or may not be short. Depending on what I can do and all. But don't hold me accountable for that as I am still getting back from not writing.)

(Y/N) laid on the forest floor, cowering in pain. He had just recently been hurt by someone, his bully had decided to hurt him. He covered the area of his wound, trying to keep blood from pouring out. He was too busy to notice that there was something walking towards him. A Weasel robot was watching him, the weasel's nose seemed to twitch as he smelled the blood. The weasel was known as a serial killer his whole life... I mean he liked the fact everybody feared him due to that. The boy named y/n, began to move and try to get up which made the weasel step back. Which also alerted the boy. He looked behind him to see the weasel. He stared in fear as he began to walk backwards. Willy hesitated. "... Kid, don't. I'm not gonna kill you and you have nothing to fear..." The strange new York accent serial killer weasel spoke. (Y/n) looked back in fear still, before he began to fall back. The weasel instantly saw this as he rushed as fast as he could to catch the boy. (Y/n) stared back at the weasel as Willy sighed. He helped the boy back up on his feet. He then began to check the part where he smelled blood. He instantly widened his eyes as he saw there was a stab wound on his stomache. Willy sighed before picking the boy up again. "Just hang on tight.. I'll help you this one time... Alright." Jerry said. (Y/n) nodded. They both began to walk towards the restuarant.

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