Chapter One

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"No, no, no, no! Please Sean! Please stop!" A blood curdling scream ripped through the small room. Hot, thick blood pooled in his mouth. The metallic liquid seeped from his lips, trickling down his face and slowly coating his neck and t-shirt. Tears poured from his eyes, mixing with the blood and sweat coating his body. Through his eyelashes, he watched as his assailants fist rose high into the air again. A manic laugh filled every inch of the room which made him flinch. The fist collided with his face, causing a sickening crunch. Pain erupted across his face as he felt the skin above his eyebrow rip.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" The assailant screamed in face before raising his fist again. One punch, two punches and then a third. He felt his body collapse beneath him. A hand roughly gripped the hair and skin on the back of his head, he felt a sharp pop as hair was ripped from the roots of his scalp. His bruised and bloodied face was brought within inches of the other mans face, hot breath spread across his cheeks as a smile emerged on the others face.

"My name is Anti."

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