Chapter Twelve

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1 month ago...

True to his word, Mark stayed in Brighton and thankful, Sean hadn't suspected anything. He would visit Mark every few days but he didn't allow Mark to come within an arms stretch of him. Not after what Dark had said. He could decide which demon terrified him more; Dark or Anti.

(Y/n) had Wednesdays off. He slept in until around 10 which is around when his stomach starts rumbling for food. Today was different, he has been stressed the entire week, Sean had been worse then ever. He knew he shouldn't blame it on Sean, it was really Anti. The stress had built up and up and up and up. When he saw Mark on Monday he had a mental breakdown and sobbed his heart out for almost an hour whilst Mark had to stand and watch helplessly.

When he finally woke up, he read the clock on his bedside cabinet and it was one thirty in the afternoon. He'd never slept in this late since he was a teenager. Rolling over, he realised he was in bed alone. Listening carefully, he realised Sean was recording videos in the spare bedroom. For once he sounded really happy. It also sounded like he was playing with somebody. Pulling himself out of the warmth of the double bed, he quietly made his way downstairs. Once he was in the kitchen, he poured himself a bowl of cereal and poured himself a coffee. Eating slowly, he starred out into space and began to think. When he really thought about it, things seemed to have calmed down recently. It had been at least a week since he last saw Sean's eyes solid black in colour and maybe even longer since he caught him with a knife. He couldn't remember the last time he woke up to Sean at the end of the bed. Maybe Anti had gone away.

A sudden tightening in his chest brought (y/n) back to reality. Swallowing very slowly, he got up and pulled the box of cereal out of the cupboard. He flipped it over and checked the ingredients. Contain peanuts. Fuck. As quickly as he could manage with the feeling of his throat tightening, he made his way up to the bedroom and searched the underneath of his side of the bed. By this point it felt like his throat had closed and he was no longer able to breath correctly. Pulling a small black bag out, he ripped it open and pulled an epi pen out, removed the cap and injected his leg. It took less then a minute for his throat to open back up. Knowing he had around twenty minutes before the effects wore off he sent a quick text to Sean to let him know he had an allergic reaction to the cereal and he was going to the hospital but he had to go now.

Driving the speed limit the entire way there, he arrived at the hospital and collapsed. When he woke up he was in those awful hospital gowns on a wards full of people. Nobody seemed to acknowledge him which was fine. A nurse however appeared and started speaking to him.

"Hello sir, you've had an allergic reaction and you collapsed when you entered the hospital. We've got you on an drip which is helping to restore the fluids in your body. We're more than likely going to keep you in overnight. If you need anything just press that button." He smiled and she carried on her rounds. He looked around and spotted his phone on the side table. There was three new messages and two missed calls, all from Sean.

What do you mean? Oh no! Oh my god baby I'm so sorry.

Which hospital did you go to?

Are you alright?

He responded to the panic texts by letting him know where he was and that he passed out. He sent a picture for good measure. He also explained that he couldn't talk because the swelling had effected his vocal chords. Lastly, he told him he was being kept in overnight to be monitored. His phone pinged within seconds.

I'm in my way x

If he came on the bus he would probably be here in fifteen minutes. He had enough time to message Mark. He quickly typed,

Mark I'm in the hospital, I ate cereal that had peanuts in it. Don't come. Sean's on his way here. There's something I need to tell you but I'm not doing it over text. Come tomorrow?

He turned his phone off and seconds later, Sean walked in. He looked as if he'd been crying. When he saw his boyfriend in the hospital bed, fresh tears formed. (Y/n) held out his hand and Sean immediately grabbed it and kissed it. He sat down next to the bed and began to profusely apologise. He said he hadn't checked the ingredients when he got the pack. It was like listening to the same song play over and over again. He wished he could tell Sean that it was ok. At around eight in the evening the nurse came round to the various wards and told people that visiting hours were over and people had to leave. Sean kissed his boyfriend goodbye before leaving. As soon as he left the room, (y/n) turned his phone back on and checked his messages.

What time do they allow visitors?

They allow them from half nine onwards.

I'll be there

He didn't sleep. Most times he had to stay in the hospitals didn't sleep. It was always too loud. Half nine took what seemed days to arrive and within a minute of the clock hitting that time, Mark walked in.

"You can't stay here for long. I don't know when Sean will be here. Mark, Sean knows I'm allergic to peanuts, I told him last month and I told him when we first met." Marks eyes went wide when he realised what his friend had just told him, "go before he comes to visit. I'm going to be discharged at ten. Please." Mark squeezed his hand and left immediately. It was around half an hour later that Sean arrived. He looked much better then what he did yesterday. It was like he had a sickly sweet smile on his face.

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