Chapter Three

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Almost a week had passed since (y/n) went for a coffee in a small shop nestled between the many retail shops in the centre of Brighton. It was a hidden gem. They talked for what seemed like hours, never really failing to find something to talk about. Sean spoke about his YouTube career and (y/n) listened intently whilst nodding every now and then causing a beautiful blush to appear across the Irish mans cheeks and nose. (Y/n) spoke briefly about his work and that he decided he needed a change and that's why he moved to Brighton. They both shared the occasional glances where they'd both look up above their coffee and lock eyes and immediately look somewhere else. Other than those few moments, the afternoon passed without a hitch.

Since then, his furniture had arrived and the last of the cardboard boxes had been given back to the moving company. Everything had found a home and he felt as though he could finally relax and put his feet up.

For the first time since he decided to hand in his notice he was finally able to sit down on his brand new love seat with a blanket, coffee and a book without a care in the world. After a few minutes of reading however, he shivered slightly and decided to try out the electrical fire. Uncovering his lower body from the warmth of the soft, plush blanket, he padded over on the soft carpet and picked up the small remote resting on top of the fire and pushed the red button. The fire clicked to life and a wash of warmth flooded over his body. For the rest of the evening, he was nestled in total warmth and content, it finally felt like things were going right for him.

After dragging himself upstairs, the tall man plopped onto his bed and wriggled underneath the duvet. It only seemed like five minutes had passed when his 6 o'clock alarm went off. Rubbing his face with his hands, (y/n) noticed his stubble had become quite a bit more, it would probably pass for a beard. For the first time in his life he had successfully managed to grow something resembling a beard. (Y/n) hummed before throwing the covers off and making his way to the en suite. Flicking on the switch, he looked in the mirror so that he could confirm his stubble had in fact grown long enough to be considered a beard. He shrugged before leaning over and turning the shower on, and within a few minutes the bathroom became steamy and warm. He debated in the shower as to whether or not he'd shave it off given the fact it currently made him, well he thought gorilla but after a second he decided on sexy as fuck. After climbing out and drying off, he pulled on a pair of boxers and began brushing his teeth. (Y/n) moved back into his room and donned his stone grey suit and white shirt.

Bouncing once again down the stairs, he slid into the kitchen for a bowl of cereal, however after looking at the clock he decided he only had a few minutes to eat so he shoved as much food into his mouth before placing the bowl into the sink and rushing back upstairs to brush his teeth again and comb his hair. (Y/n) tamed his hair quickly and picked the briefcase up in his room and once again made his way downstairs. After exiting his house and locking the door he looked at his watch which now showed the time to be 7:30. The solicitor firm he now worked for was about half an hour away.

"Top of the morning to ya!" The voice of his Irish neighbour shocked the lawyer to full alertness in less than a second. He had jumped. He actually jumped. Regret instantly filled the Irish man after seeing his neighbour jump, maybe the second cup of coffee was too much. This morning he was on a mission to actually get a few things done before he needed to start filming for his channel. He relaxed some what when he heard a hearty chuckle from the other man.

"Good morning Sean. That was a hell of a greeting." He started laughing whilst taking in Sean's appearance, it looked like the Irish man was on the move too.

"Where are you off to this morning?" He asked with a smile.

"Just to Tesco's. The big one past the shopping centre." Sean replied, whilst pulling his beanie on and zipping his jacket up. He looked as if he was building himself up to hike to the top of Mount Everest. Today's weather was miserable.

"Oh, I'm heading that way to where I work, let me give you a lift?" Sean debated this in his head. He didn't really want to walk half an hour, but should he really accept a lift from a person he's only met once before? As he debated in his head, a small drop of water landed on his nose. Unconsciously, they both looked up at the sky at the same time. The first of the spring rain had finally hit.

"Are ya sure?" The Irish man questioned.

"Yeah of course." (Y/n) unlocked his car and opened the boot to put his briefcase in. He shut the boot and walked back to the drivers side. Sean had made his way around the bush separating the two properties and opened the door to the expensive car. He felt awkward getting in like a bull in a China shop. The car screamed expensive, it was clean and the interior was leather. He sat down on the cold seat and strapped his seatbelt on. (Y/n) started the car up and reversed out of his drive and proceeded to drive towards the firm and Tesco's . He sighed about a minute after setting off when they came to the first set of red headlights. He pushed two buttons on the middle console and Sean slowly felt himself warm up.

"I don't care if it's spring, leather seats are freezing. I think it was the first thing I asked for at the dealership with the car. Heated seats." They both laughed which also seemed to ease the two of them into a comfortable conversation. (Y/n) flicked on the radio, turning it down so it was more background noise instead of actually listening to it.

"Are ya heading to work? That's a bit of a stupid question I know." Sean glimpsed at the other man, whose eyes glanced back at him before he smiled a toothy grin.

"First day. You're looking at the new senior partner of Murphy and Co Solicitor Firm. I'm going to be doing a lot more paperwork than usual but after being a barrister for five years, I'll take it." He laughed but in truth over the past five years, the young man had experienced enough sleepless nights for three people combined. It was tiring and most days he felt incredibly rundown.

"Are you free tonight?" Sean couldn't actually believe he'd just said that.

"Yeah, do you want to do something?" (Y/n) couldn't have answered any quicker. Now they were both sat in the car with a mixture of emotions, mainly regret, shock and excitement. In the last few minutes of the drive, they both reeled out a few ideas before settling on one that would suit them both. After a long day of filming and editing and working in an office, it would be nice to relax with somebody new.

After around 10 hours of working at the office, (y/n) pulled into his drive and huffed. His first day had gone fine but boy was he glad he now only worked three days. After debating with his mind for a few minutes he found himself stood before Sean's door. His hands felt clammy and his throat tightened a little bit. Why now was he nervous? He'd defended criminals, he represented more clients then sense yet he was nervous about knocking on this door. He pulled his hand up and knocked quickly and stepped back from the door. He heard a thunk from inside the house and the door sprung open revealing the green haired man with a wide smile on his face.

The Lawyer Next Door (Jacksepticeye x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now