Chapter Five

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It turns out that Sean had almost entirely forgot, his friends; Mark, Wade and Bob were staying with him for a week to do a convention in London. This would unfortunately mean there evenings spent together would be put on hold for a while. In passing on the following Monday, Sean managed to slip a piece of paper into (Y/n)'s pocket that contained his phone number. It seemed silly that they'd never exchanged numbers before now. Looking over his shoulder, Sean checked to make sure his friends weren't in a place where they could see outside before pulling (y/n) in by the belt for a deep, heated kiss. Sean would never get over the feeling of (y/n)'s strong arms wrapped around his waist.

"I'll message you when I get to work, I've only paperwork to do today so I can get away with it." (Y/n) couldn't really resist slipping his hand down to squeeze Sean's ass before turning away and getting into his car to drive to work. He hoped beyond hope that in the half an hour it would take to get to his work he would be able to get rid of his raging hard on.

(Y/n) walked through the glass doors leading into the solicitor firm. He greeted the receptionist with a small smile before entering the lift and hitting the number 5. The lift only took a few seconds to arrive to the top floor of the firm. This floor was solely for senior partners. Associates entered this floor at their peril. The junior partners however came and went regularly to clarify something or to bring clients in to discuss their case. (Y/n) made his way to the far right corner of his office where his office was. Even after a month he was incredibly proud every time he looked at: Senior Partner (Y/n) (L/n) written on his door. He removed his jacket and hung it up behind his door before opening the door up. As he was only writing reports today, there was no point in having his door closed. He laughed to himself, it also meant the associates couldn't dither at the door working up the courage to knock. Sitting down at his oak desk, he pulled several papers out of his briefcase and placed them on his desk. Before he moved his seat closer to the desk he pulled out his phone and punched in Sean's number.

Hey handsome, no too cheesy.

Hey gorgeous, that's more like it. He hit send and placed the phone back into his pocket. He started to read his reports. After a few minutes he felt his phone buzz against his thigh.

Hey baby. How would you feel about coming down to London with me? X

I thought you were going down with your friends for the convention? X

Yeah but I kinda want you to come too, maybe finish what we started? X

So long as your friends don't mind, I'll come X

(Y/n) smiled to himself. It had been a long time since he last went into London City Centre. After a few more messages to Sean he booked himself a room in the hotel Sean and his friends were staying in. As it turns out, the majority of the YouTubers were staying at this particular hotel. It was a nice place, four stars with a pool and a restaurant. They would be staying there for a week. Typing out a short email, (y/n) let the other four senior partners know that he would be taking a weeks break. They replied quickly stating that as he was extremely good with keeping with work they didn't mind.

Once he arrived home, Sean and his friends were out on the driveway laughing whilst they attempted to shove all their luggage into what looked like a hire car. Only Sean seemed to notice his arrival, he offered a goofy smile and rolled his eyes. As (y/n) stepped out of his car, Sean called him over and introduced him to his friends. They were brilliant. Extremely funny and very friendly. Sean had told them that he had gamed with him and thought it would be cool if he tagged along. The others didn't mind and seemed to become friendly with the new male very quickly. As they were setting off today, (y/n) excused himself so he could pack quickly. He left the loud group to what they were doing before; attempting to shove too many bags in the back of the car.

"I'll be back in a sec!" Sean yelled to the others whilst almost doubling over in laughter watching them. They nodded and watched him leave.

"Do you reckon are they together?" Wade asked the other two.

"He seems nice enough, I don't think it would matter if they were. Just wish they'd say so they don't have to dance around each other." The other nodded and agreed with Mark.

Inside (y/n)'s house, he had pulled a duffel bag out of his wardrobe and packed clothes enough for a week. He had grabbed what he needed out of the bathroom by the time Sean made it upstairs. He watched as the taller man zipped the bag up and stood back up himself. He spotted Sean quickly and pulled him in for a quick kiss that turned into a steaming mess within seconds. Both males ended up as hard as steal within minutes.

"Hey Jack, (Y/n) we're ready to go if you guys are!" Mark yelled up the stairs of his house. They quickly jumped apart and bounded downstairs to meet the others.

"I'll drive in my car, it'll give you guys more room. If you want I can take some of the bags too?" Mark jumped at the idea of a second car and handed three bags to him whilst thanking him and laughing. They all laughed.

After almost two hours of driving, the two cars pulled into the parking lot of the hotel. It was far nicer than the pictures. He got out of his car with a smile plastered on his face. Together the group with about nine thousand bags made their way to the reception. Guessing the group was another group of youtubers the receptionist seemed keen to hand out the room keys. They all had separate rooms but deep down Sean and (y/n) knew they wouldn't need separate rooms. The receptionist also offered a bag trolley which was pulled with bags and pushed towards the elevators. Thankfully they all ended up on the same floor just a few doors down from each other. Sean seemed to be taking a long time to find his room, waiting until the other three had entered their own rooms. He looked towards (y/n) who had found his room and winked at Sean who semi ran to him giggling. They both entered the room and checked everything out. (Y/n) being (y/n) and knowing damn well him and Sean would end up in the same room ordered a bottle of champagne and a massive amounts of sweets. He also ordered a room with a king sized bed. The bathroom was spacious and didn't feel as cheap as most hotels. Sean flopped down on the bed and closed his eyes and let out a hearty laugh.

His phone started pinging with messages from the others deciding on what they would do for the rest of the day. (Y/n) smiled as he watched the smaller male explain the plan for the rest of the day. How did he get so lucky?

The Lawyer Next Door (Jacksepticeye x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now