Chapter Seven

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4 months ago...

After the trip to London, Sean seemed to be off. (Y/n) assumed at first that he wasn't feeling well. During the night when (y/n) had decided to sleep over with Sean, he woke up in the middle of the night and physically jumped. At the end of the bed, Sean was stood starring at him. Without taking his eyes off his lover, (y/n) switched on his bedside light. The first thing he noticed was Sean's eyes. (Y/n) quickly blinked and rubbed his eyes but Sean's didn't change. They were black. Carefully, (y/n) pushed the covers off himself and got out of the bed, he approached the younger man and outstretched an arm to touch his shoulder. After a few blinks he seemed to come to and his eyes flickered back to being blue. Sean looked at a quite frankly startled man and asked,

"What's wrong? Why aren't I in bed?" (Y/n) frowned for a second before guiding Sean back into bed.

"You were sleep walking." That's all he said. He crawled back into bed and allowed Sean to snuggle into his side before going back to sleep again. He saw the same eyes in his dreams for several nights afterwards. Thankfully, as the new week started, (y/n) had work as a distraction. The firm was extremely busy and required all hands on deck and (y/n) found himself working longer and working almost everyday. Whilst the firm dealt with company law, a special request came in asking (y/n) to take up being a barrister one last time. A particularly gruesome murder had occurred in Brighton and within a week, the police had found and arrested the individual. He was a young man, close probably in fact to his own age. No history of violence, no criminal record and all of a sudden he kidnapped three people at gunpoint and killed them. He didn't demand any money, in fact he didn't demand anything, he just killed them.

As (y/n) was perhaps one of the best barristers in the company, he decided to take in the case with support from the company. Over the next several weeks he made frequent trips to the prison the man was being held in to discuss and inform him of his options and the general procedure. There was never a problem, considering he had killed, he was polite. That is until the last visit (y/n) made before the trial was set to begin.

As per usual, he sat down in the interrogation room and pulled out his papers. He heard the door open as he was pulling out his pen when he was hit across the face with something heavy. Sprawled out on the floor (y/n) managed to look up and that's when he saw it. The same black eyes as Sean's. He watched with fear as the prisoner raised the metal bar again ready to hit him. In fear he closed his eyes but they shot back open when he heard the door open again. Several prison guards scrambled in and handcuffed the prisoner and dragged him back to his cell. In the blur of chaos, he remember being told he would be taken of the case and taken to hospital for his injuries.

Sat on a bed in A and E was an awful place to be. People screamed in pain and others yelled when they were told to go home. The room had stopped spinning by the time he got to the hospital which somewhat helped. The nurse popped in and out of his cubicle, giving him food and water. She returned again this time with a doctor who stitched the cut on the side of his head. Four stitches in total. As it was a head injury the doctor had requested that he stay out for at least another two to three hours. He prepared himself for total and utter boredom when the nurse walked in with a familiar green haired man behind her. Sean scrambled forward and hugged (y/n) as tightly as possible. With tears in his eyes he spoke very quickly,

"I called your work when you didn't come home and they told me that you'd been attacked by the prisoner. You've no idea how worried I've been." Tears were now freely spilling down his cheeks. This made (y/n) upset. His throat began to burn with sadness. It still hadn't totally sunk in that he had been attacked. Sean took him back into his arms as (y/n) began to sob. This was the first time Sean had ever seen him cry. He could hear his heart break into pieces.

(Y/n)'s work had been good enough to deliver his car back to the house and had informed them both that he was required to take at least a month off work and recover.

For the first week or so, (y/n) struggled with simple tasks and couldn't remember much. He had an extremely bad concussion. Sean took time off recording videos to take care of him. It was during this time that Sean decided he wanted the official label of boyfriend. He also decided to wait to ask as the love of his life couldn't remember the day of the week and wasn't really in a fit state to answer anything.

On Sunday evening, (y/n) was almost entirely recovered and was sat watching tv in the living room in Sean's house whilst the man himself made a stir fry for the pair of them. Made was a string word, the stir fry veg came in a packet and so did the seasoning and the noodles. A wave of sickness and dizziness over came him. He stumbled as quietly and as quickly as he could to his upstairs bathroom. By the time he got there, his hands were clammy and he was sweating profusely. He closed the door behind him and locked the door. He hurled the few contents of his stomach into the toilet. He didn't look, he just flushed and stood back up. Splashing his face with water he glanced in the mirror and let out a sharp loud scream.

It was him in the mirror but his throat was slit and his eyes were black.

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