Chapter Six

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"So what's the plan for tonight?" (Y/n) asked as he walked towards the bed. He toed off his shoes and started unbuttoning his shirt. Sean hadn't yet noticed that he was taking off his clothes as he was messaging Mark in an attempt to get a straight answer as to when they would be getting food and where. As (y/n) was not wearing a belt, he was able to unzip his trousers to reveal his boxer shorts that was now sporting a wet patch caused by his erection. Still completely unaware Sean glimpsed up to find (y/n) was almost entirely naked. It was enough to cause a nose bleed.

"What?" (Y/n) smirked at Sean's reaction, "can a man not get changed?" Sean didn't respond, he sat up and placed open mouthed kisses on the other mans lower abdomen causing him to moan. (Y/n) knelt down between Sean's legs and made short work of his jeans and pulled them down, freeing his erection. He didn't hesitate before taking as much of his swollen member as he could. He pulled off and whispered up towards Sean,

"They're going to have to break the door down to stop me this time." Sean moaned and flopped down on his bed whilst his hands came to hold the head of his lover. I didn't take long with (y/n) sucking the life out of him before his was moaning and cumming in his mouth. Sean was no longer able to function. (Y/n) sat back on the balls of his feet and closed his eyes and slipped his hand into his boxers. It took very little for him to be tipping over the edge and spilling onto his chest. At this point Sean had sat up in time to see the strings of cum shoot up onto his chest. (Y/n) looked down and swiped his thumb across his chest before jokingly saying to Sean,

"Want some?" He didn't expect Sean to slip off the bed and shuffling to where he was sat and suck his thumb dry. After a few lazy kisses, they both decided they needed to shower to clean themselves. It was finally decided that the group would meet in half an hour for some food and drinks. By the time Sean and (y/n) made it to the restaurant downstairs, the others had found a group of people they knew and sad down with them. They didn't notice their friends late arrival.

The food was incredible, (y/n) ordered pulled pork (you can have what you want) and Sean ordered a burger. By the time they had finished their meals, (y/n) was on his third pint of beer. The group sat around the table for at least an hour before deciding to head out into the beer garden. Sean and (y/n) straggled behind in order to share a sneaky kiss that as per usual turned into a heated make out.

"What time is the convention tomorrow?" (Y/n) asked Sean but it was Mark that replied,

"It's at 5, hey you should come along. It'll be great if you could. We've a few more friends coming that you can sit with."

"Yeah, so long as it's ok with them I'd love to come." The group became louder and louder with laughter as the alcohol built up. (Y/n) had switched to water about half an hour ago as he didn't really want to wake up with a headache. Sean however was still drinking Guinness and amazingly he was perfectly fine. After midnight had passed, the group began to head back to their rooms. Considering that almost all the group had ended up having too much to drink, Sean didn't attempt to hide the fact he entered (y/n)'s room instead of his own.

(Y/n) flopped on the bed and fell asleep almost instantly. Sean however felt off, probably due to the amount he'd drank. Once he'd entered the bathroom he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and somebody else looked back.

Hello Sean

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