Chapter Two

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6 months earlier...

In his sleek black Audi A7, (Y/n) firmly gripped the soft leather steering wheel as he pulled into the multi-coloured gravel drive way of his newly purchased house. Slowing to a halt, the hand break button was pressed by a strong finger, and after switching off the humming engine, he simply sat and starred at the garage door in front of him, complete and utterly lost in thought.

This had been a spur of the moment decision, to just drop everything and move to the other side of the country. He hadn't broken up with anybody, he had a good relationship with his parents and siblings and above all else, he had an exceptionally good paying job, which, to a certain respect, was hard to come by. However, whilst sitting at his oak desk one day at work starring out of the window into the great beyond, his hands started typing his notice as if it was automatic. Without giving it much thought, he handed it in and walked out of the glass building without looking back.

Regret, however, sunk in about an hour later. To make himself feel better he had told his parents and himself several times that he just needed a change of scenery and now he sat in his moderately expensive car on the driveway facing his new stone brick house not entirely sure what to do next. Of course, before he moved, he had secured a new job that paid considerably more than his last and he also took it upon himself to buy new furniture and conducted about an hours worth of research on Brighton as he had never been there before. He still couldn't really decide as to why his mind told him, move to Brighton but for once in his life, he listened.

Exhaling loudly through his nose, he pulled the hard plastic lever and opened the door. Sliding out and placing his feet firmly on the ground, the (y/h/c) man stood up and shut the door of the car. What he next was something of a habit, as most people when wearing £300 trousers, he began to furiously attempt to brush the dust and creases out until his clothes were once again smooth. Walking around the back of the car on the gravel driveway, he came face to face with his new front door. The door itself was a beautiful shade of forest green with a plain gold knocker and an equally plain golden door handle. Fishing the keys out of his pocket, he pushed the silver key in the lock and turned it. Opening the door, he was welcomed by the smell of a freshly built house. The hallway was elegant but homely, with a soft cream coloured carpet and a pastel dark green shade coating the walls which was somewhat similar to the door he had just walked through. Toeing his shoes off, he allowed his feet to sink into the new sponge like carpet. Briefly closing his eyes and inhaling deeply, he opened his (e/c) again and ventured further into the house. Firstly he walked towards the back where he found the kitchen. It was filled with modern appliances but it didn't scream new. Instead it whispered homely thoughts in his ear. It was a spacious kitchen with a flag stone floor. He smiled thinking to himself, the only reason he liked the flag stone floor was because he knew about the underfloor heating. There was an island in the middle of the room with a table and chairs all built in, though he didn't really see the point of this as he lived alone.

Doing the usual new home owner checks of making sure the lights work, the fridge is on etc he moved towards the floor-to-ceiling patio doors leading out to a modest garden space. Just plain grass with a wooden fence enclosing it. Turning around he walked towards the door he assumed would lead to a utility room. It was again, a moderately sized room, and nothing too special. It had a tumble dryer, washing machine, sink, cabinets and the most awful looking lino floor. He made a silent note to himself upon seeing the floor; replace as soon as possible.

Walking out of the room and through the kitchen he made his way back into the hallway where he went through a door to his right which in turn led to a beautifully elegant sitting room. It was floored with the same soft carpet and the curtains looked just as soft. They were pale cream in colour. On the centre of the back wall was a hearth however it wasn't used anymore, instead it was completely electrical. The wall went further back on either side of the hearth creating two alcoves large enough to hold two bookcases. Across the hallway was another room, it was listed as a dining room and as fancy as people perceived (y/n) to be, he would rather eat in the kitchen where his breakfast island was. Not knowing what he'd use the room for, he made his way to the stairs in the hallway. They were floating wooden planks with floor lighting. Carefully making his way to the second floor, he arrived on the landing. It was spacious and painted the same pastel green as downstairs. He went through the closest door to find the bathroom. It was relatively large but simple, a toilet, sink and a shower and that was it. Closing the door he walked across to the first bedroom, it was large and spacious however not the room he would be sleeping in. As he made his way to the last door, his ears pricked at the sound of soft knocking coming from the main door. Bouncing quickly down the stairs, the tall male took ahold of the door knob and pulled the door open revealing-

'Holy shit.' He thought to himself as he attempted not to look the smaller man up and down. He looked about the same age as himself, maybe a little bit younger. He had a dark beard but bright vivid green hair. He didn't even know his name but he could already tell that the colour suited him. The man was at least half a foot shorter than him and far less muscular, of course the man before him was muscular but as (y/n) frequently took his anger out on his collection of weights he acknowledged he was almost too muscular. Those blue eyes, those ocean eyes, he knew there and then he could drown in them.

"Hi." He breathed out. The green haired man smiled clearly catching on already to his awkwardness.

"Hi." The green haired man responded, "I'm Sean, your neighbour." He was a little on the loud side and very bubbly though it almost felt a small bit forced, in truth he seemed shy. Without thinking (y/n) extended his arm to offer a hand shake. It wasn't until Sean was on the verge of genuinely laughing that it finally hit him, half of what he was saying wasn't leaving his lips.

"I'm sorry, I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you Sean. I'd offer you a cup of coffee but as you can see," he stepped to one side allowing Sean to see into the house, "I may have arrived before the moving truck." He laughed nervously at first but the nerves left and he let out his usual laugh. He turned back to look at Sean.

"That's alright, I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know, if I ever get too loud let me know." (Y/n) titled his head a small bit in confusion, 'Why would he be too loud?', "I'm a youtuber!" He yelled happily. 'Oh, well that explains it.' He thought to himself.

"Oh I'm sure it won't be a problem." He nervously laughed again. The man was certainly something to look at. All his polite conversation skills just left. Gone. No where to be found.

"Do you want to grab a cup of coffee?" Sean asked before his brain caught on to what he had actually said, it almost looked like he was regretting it already.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Yeah that would be nice actually. Saves me having to sit on the floor for the next two hours." Both men let out a hearty laugh.

"Will we drive?" He asked Sean briefly pointing to the car before slipping on his shoes, stepping through his door and locking it.

"Nah, it's only in town, it about a five minute walk." Sean pulled a beanie from his coat pocket and began to walk towards the footpath with his new friend in tow. This was clearly the beginning of something but neither knew that yet.

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