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♡~▪I get overwhelmed so easily, my anxiety creeps inside of me, makes it hard to breathe. What's come over me? Feels like I'm somebody else▪~♡


Your eyes opened to the sound of your heart monitor beeping steadily in an almost melody. It sounded absolutely beautiful, but part of you wanted it to beep for a while and never beep again. The other part of you was happy it wasn't flatlining at the moment.

"You're up, hey." Danny came over to your bedside, handing you a sandwich.

Your first instinct was to look inside the sandwich for anything out of the ordinary, hell- you even did that with food your mom made. To say you had major trust issues would be an understatement.

"There's nothing in it that can harm you- unless you're allergic to musturd, mayo, or ham. I was thinking since we're going to be living together for a few months, we should get to know each other. Have you ever touched drugs?"

"Depends on what you mean by 'touched' drugs." You retorted with a blank expression on your face.

"That's a no. Do you smoke?"

"Second hand smoke only. My mom smokes a lot."

"Why don't you fight back to your negative comments?"

This question made your eyes go wide and your body tense up. The moment it came, the fear left your face and you continued to look at him blankly.

"I don't care enough to." You replied simply.

"You're a horrible liar. Why?"

"I don't know why I'm a horrible liar," you tried to joke, but the look on his face made the joking mood disappear.

"Well, it's pointless to fight against several people."

"Are you a virgin?"

You looked at him with a glare, scoffing. "Thats a bit personal and it's none of your fucking business." You got defensive immediately.

"Tell me something, [Name]. Why do most of your comments on every post I've seen have the words 'slut' 'whore' 'skank' etc? What did you do-"

"I didn't do anything! Leave me alone." You shouted at him and covered your mouth instantly, looking away from his gaze.

"She's a whore, that's what she did." A girl with natural fiery red hair, ocean eyes, and ivery skin walked into the hospital room with a smirk.

"Amanda..." you said quietly.

'Where does that name sound familiar?' Danny thought to himself while running his hand through his hair.

"Danny, you're really cute in person!" Amanda squealed out, holding her hand for him to shake.

He stared at her hand and gave her a disgusted face.

"You're the one that commented 'whores like you deserve to be killed, but you can also just kill yourself. That would be a lot more fun,' on one of her posts?" He tried to confirm it which made her nod.

"Its all true. She fucked every one in the school."

"I never fucked anyone! I didn't willingly have sex with anybody!" You scream at her.

She glared at you, rolling her eyes. "As if MY boyfriend would want YOU. He was drunk and you took advantage of that."

You began to get frustrated, tears welling in your eyes.

"Oh look, playing the victim again. I'm almost sad you didn't fucking die. Do us all a favor and kill yourself slut."

Danny had enough of her bullshit and smacked the shit out of her, glaring daggers. "How about you leave and don't come back. You're being a bitch after she's telling you he was the one that assaulted her. Are you blind? Clearly she's shaken up about it."

You flinched the moment Danny hit her and covered your head in fear. Realizing you weren't the one being harmed, you looked at the two in shock.

"Well, she deserved to be taken advantage of."

"Excuse me?" Oh, Danny looked beyond furious right now.

"I suggest you leave before I do more than smack you." He said in a serious and sickening calm tone, the tension in him bursting and grabbing Amanda by her throat.

Shuddering from fear, she sped out of the room.

"People like that are so stupid." Danny groaned in irritation, sitting by your bedside.

You avoided eye contact with him, playing with your fingers nervously.

He stared at you for a while before finally speaking up. "Hey," he paused. "I'm here for you."

Awkwardly, he wrapped his arms around your plush frame, rubbing your back.

Feeling embarrassed, you gently pushed him away, your face heated. "I-I'm sorry! I'm not used to kindness with all the...y'know..." you stuttered, trailing off a bit.

"Oh! You get discharged tomorrow!" He beamed, smiling at you.

His mood completely changed, doing a full 180 (CRAAAAAZZZYYY). This made you wonder if he had BPD, but you decided that would be too personal to ask.

"Soooo, you asked me questions. Can i ask you some?" You timidly asked, burying yourself in the hospital sheets.

"I mean you just did, but sure. Ask more."

"What's one place you'd love to go?"

"I'd love to travel the world but I don't have much money so-"

"Me too! I'd love to see Japan! Oh Korea too! Maybe Indonesia or France- WaitIcutyouoffI'msosorry!"

Danny blinked twice, unable to think straight for a moment. When he could he internally chuckled at how adorable you were. "Cut me off again and I might choke you darling~." He winked, his fake, thick, British accent following suit.

"I-I-I- wh-what?!" You stammered, nearly falling off the bed to get away from him.

"Why would you even think to say that? I'm way too fat-"

He grabbed you and put you in a headlock, causing a squeak to leave your mouth. "HEY, LET ME GOOO!"

Danny chuckled and shook his head. "Tell me, [Name]. Why do you call yourself fat?"

Upper cutting him, you pushed him off, sighing. "I AM fat. I'm overweight. Don't you see my information?" You point to the papers that have the dreadful number on it.

"And?" He didn't bother to even look.

'Wait...he doesn't care?'

"Plus my skin color- I'm-"

"Shut up." He gave a firm look.

"Yes sir." You squeaked out in fear.

"I know you think this a lot, right?"

"Everyone...always looks at me funny. It makes me anxious. I get overwhelmed and sometimes it feels like...I don't know...judgement. Everywhere I'm judged." You explain to him while avoiding his gaze once again.

"So just don't get overwhelmed. I'm here for you, but we need to practice on not giving a fuck. Okay?"

You nod and decide to ask each other questions until visiting hours were over.


♡▪~So just don't get overwhelmed and you'll make it out, then you'll be just fine. I promise you don't have to worry 'bout a thing. Don't let it break you down, you got me by your side. And when you feel the difference it'll be night and day. Night and day~▪♡

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