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You woke up on top of something soft and fairly silky, but your hands weren't moving. In fact, your whole body wouldn't move.

Eyes wide, you tried your best- with all your strength to move, to no avail. Solemn thoughts spread through your mind, not sure of what exactly happened.

"Ah, you're awake." Peering over to the voice that spoke up, you shuddered. Regret soon filled your body.

"D...danny." You muttered, avoiding eye contact of any form.

"Yes, My dear." He grabbed your face, roughly turning your head towards him. Anger flashed in his eyes for a split second, but he soon calmed down.

"Whats wrong, [Name]?" He purred out your name, giving you butterflies. If he wasn't crazy, you'd probably beg him to take you, but that wasn't the case.

Regardless of the butterflies, you were still scared- still in his web. His never ending loop.

"Answer me!" Danny demanded, his chocolate brown eyes showing that same anger as before.

"N-nothing's wrong!" You finally answer.

"Oh but my dear. Something is very wrong." He paused, coming closer to you.


Now that you were taking a good look at him, he was wearing a uniform of sorts with gloves on his hands. His hair was tied down and a blank expression stained his beautiful features.

"You disobeyed me. That is punishable by torture, but considering you were drugged-"

"D-drugged?!" You gasped out, your eyes darting to his eyes, fear presenting itself to him.

"Hmm, the boy you met. He planned to rape you. Out in the open of all places. That was stupid. I found him and well..."

Danny's Pov

I was walking through the woods, searching for my love. Climbing a tree to search around for her and cover more ground would've been the best option if I hadn't already heard voices.

I walked towards the voices that I heard, smiling when I saw [Name]. That was until I saw him. He was talking to what belonged to me. The anger I felt was unexplainable and I've never felt this before.

I watched as he put a rag over her nose and mouth, glaring at him. He must've felt my gaze, as he looked around, trying to pinpoint my location. Shaking his head, he began to undress [Name]. I could see clear drool rolling down his lips. He put a needle inside her vein and slid a liquid inside. 

I came from the tree I was behind and gave him a bittersweet smile. Walking up to him slowly, I hit him over the head. He immediately fell to the ground, unconscious.

"My baby..." I caressed her cheek softly, Kissing her forehead. "I'm mad that you ran." I placed my hand around her throat, squeezing.

I tried to calm myself down and let go of her neck, sighing. I picked her up, along with the rapist next to me. I made my way back to the small cabin in the middle of woods, setting [Name] down and taking the idiot that tried to take my property downstairs.

He was going to get it. That's all I knew.

I waited for the douchebag to wake up, preparing for a torture filled night. My eyes gleamed in excitement although I had a straight face. 

He woke up and immediately screamed, filling me with pure joy. He frantically looked around, trying to wiggle his way out of the ropes. My hands glided over all the tools I could use on him. A scooper for his eyes, a scalpel for his tongue, a saw for his limbs. Oh right, I can rip out his fingernails first.

A smirk was on my face at my own thoughts. 

I took his hand, looking him in the eyes as I ripped his first fingernail off. I laughed at him as he shrieked in pain. Nine more finger nails and he looked like he was about to pass out, but I wasn't done. His disgusting blood tainted my clothes, skin and hair, but I still enjoyed seeing him scream. "Squirm more little mouse." I cackled.

Next was, oh~ His penis. I forgot, the source of the issue. Haha, time for that to disappear. I cut his pants off and a blush formed on his face as his cock got hard. He looked down at me while I looked at him. I picked up the tiny saw that I had over the big one, a grin on my face. 

Fear struck his eyes as I brought it closer. "Please! I'm sorry please anything but that!" He pleaded for me to stop, but I couldn't. I was having too much fun.

I slowly sawed his dick off, watching his cry as blood coated my demented face. His eyes looked like they were about to close and I growled, punching him in the face. "Stay up!" 

He kept his eyes open and I grabbed the scooper, grinning widely. "Please! I'll do anything! Please stop! It- it's too much! Please!"

His whining and bitching was pissing me off, so I opened his mouth, ripping his tongue off. He inaudibly screamed, tears flooding his face. I didn't care how he was feeling though. I scooped his eyes out slowly.

His body slowly went limp and I sighed in irritation. "Couldn't hold on." I cleaned everything up, showered, then went to the living room to sleep. I didn't trust that when she woke up, she wouldn't try to run.

Heather was no where to be found, which I was happy about.

"You tortured him!?" [Name] shouted at me, trying her best to move as fear etched her face. I simply nodded, caressing her beautiful face. 

"I wouldn't torture you like that my love~" I purred, watching her face heat up.

I could tell that part of her still held some type of feelings for me, and that was all I needed. My heart raced everytime she was near and all I wanted was her to love me.

"I love you, [Name]."

"I love you too, Danny." I knew she didn't mean it, but soon she would and this would all be easier. My eyes wandered over her body and I bit my lip, breathing in slowly.

She was vulnerable, but I wouldn't touch her. Not yet, or at least. Not that way.

I leaned down, placing my lips on her forehead and cupping her face. "I'll bring you food when you can move your body at least a little. It should ware off later today."

I got up and walked to her door, taking in her features one last time before I left.

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