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You woke up with a headache, feeling around for a blanket to cover your fragile body. When you realized there wasn't any form of coverage, your eyes opened, shutting the moment the sun hit your orbs. "[Name]!" Your spirit friend called out, smiling at you.

That's when everything from the night beforehand came flooding back through your brain. You bit your lip, thinking of a way to just escape the lunatics that got you to begin with. An idea came to you after a few minutes of nonstop thinking.

"Heather, can you pick anything up?" She looked at you with a solemn expression, shaking her head in shame. 

"Alright, I think the dead-" 

Before you got to finish your sentence, a flying tree branch came your way and Heather blocked it with her ghost body. She gasped out in pain, going through you and collapsing.

"Sorry bout that!" A guy ran up to you, his curly short brown hair being ruffled by his rough hand. He chuckled nervously, scratching his head. "I was throwing a fit like a toddler, sorry again." His hazel eyes gleamed in the sun as he tilted his head to the side. 

"You don't seem injured." He didn't even let you speak, his rambling continued like this for about ten more minutes before he realized it.

"Oh, I sorry for talking your ear off! My name's Casper!"

You looked at him, stifling a little laugh when you thought of the situation. His name's Casper, while your friend is a ghost. A smile just plastered over your face. Though, now that you've taken a good look at him, he looks familiar.

"Have we met before?" You question him, trying to not sound too awkward. He just smiled at you and shook his head, holding out his hand to help you up.

You hesitantly took it, feeling yourself being lifted off the cold dirt. "Nope, not a day in our lives. You've probably seen my-"

"Casper Allen!" You shouted his name, "now I know! This is so embarrassing!" You were referring to the fact that you looked like a ragdoll ran through mud continuously. 

"What are you doing out here anyways?" He gave a look of concern, his eyebrows creasing in a frown.

"Oh well...I no longer have a home." You didn't lie entirely but you couldn't just say, 'oh this lunatic kidnapped me and tried to foget ce me to love him and his alter egos.'  Cause then you'd sound like the lunatic.

"OH, you can live with me."

You gave him a skeptical look, not sure if you should take him up on that offer. I mean think about it...why were you in this situation- because you let a psycho take you in, became his friend, found out he had alter egos, they took a liking to you, now you're just...a mess is what you were.

The guy waved his hand in front of your face about seven more times. "Miss? Are you okay?" Worry was evident in his voice.

"Me? Oh yeah. I'm...I'm fine!" You tried to sound convincing, clearly failing.

You were Damn near close to having a mental break down. You didn't know what you were going to do. Go with a stranger that could possibly be a psycho or stay on the run, waiting for two psychos and a seemingly nice ego.

You felt you'd take your chances with just one crazy guy, sighing heavily. His arms wrapped around your vulumptuos body, pulling you close to his chest.

Fear struck you immediately until he spoke. "I can tell you're hurting...scared...lost. If you need me, I'll be here." He gently pushed you off him, wiping your tears with his thumb.

"You probably don't trust me- no- you don't trust me. I wouldn't trust me. You've probably gone through a lot from the way you're shaking."

You didn't realize you were shaking, but you were and it puzzled you. 'I know I'm scared but why am i shaking like a leaf? More importantly, why isn't he asking why I'm shaking like this?' You thought, your eyebrows knitting together, trying to figure this man out.

"I'll go with you," you hesitated in your next words. "And i need your help."

"Wow...that's...that's a lot." Casper gave you a look of disbelief, not thinking that anyone was capable of all the things that you told him.

Surprisingly enough, the man believed every word you spilled to him, soaking it in like a sponge. He didn't critize you or judge you.

"I don't trust him, [Name]." Heather stared Casper down, not realizing that he could see and hear her.

"Why are you so calm about her?" You questioned his behavior, waiting for an answer.

"I've seen a lot of things." He replied simply, smiling softly.

You gave him a genuine smile back, staring into his eyes. "You have beautiful eyes!"

Casper smiled at your compliment, "as do you!" He gestured to the outside of the woods.

"My car's out there. I was out here looking to scream and throw a fit out of rage, but then I found you."

You hadn't even asked him why he was out here- he was either prepared or practiced this a million times, but that couldn't be possible right? Why would he practice a lie unless he was a serial killer?

'Yeah right.' You thought, chuckling as you began walking.

"What's so funny?" He gave you a little pout to which you just laughed.

"Well I just had a little thought is all! Nothing too bad, nothing too good."

Curiosity could be seen displayed on his face, a bit of concern as well. "Well if you must know...you know how I told you about Danny and his psycho egos?"

"The ones that technically killd d your friends?" He tried to confirm it, to which you nodded.

"Yeah, them."


"Well, I thought...you were like them." You shyly muttered, looking at the car that was in view.

He smirked slightly. "Who said I wasn't?"

Casper was already behind you and he held a white cloth over your plump lips and nose, waiting for you to stop struggling against him. You knew it was chloroform(??) And didn't want to breathe it in, but it was too late.

Everything went black.

Ikik I don't do song intros anymoreee. By tell me...what do you think Casper's motive is?

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