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Before this chapter starts! I'd like to give a shoutout to someone very chill! They gave me this chapters idea and I'm thankful for it. Come on down Jackiebro82!!!! Oh! Everyone! You should check out their Danny x reader! You'll love it! The reason I put this shoutout here is because this is really crucial you read it! Some people (not saying all) don't actually go back to the info and updates page, so I thought, "why not put it here" instead! J, I just met you not too long ago but you're really chill! I'm glad I got to meet you. Keep up your grind with your book cause I promise it'll get more reads, believe it!

To everyone else who is supporting me, thank you so much. I didn't think I'd get this far. I expected everyone to drop the story but everyone keeps adding it to their reading list. I'm forever grateful and I hope we can all be friends! *takes a bow* You're all truly amazing- don't forget to drink water, eat, shower, and sleep if you need! I love you all💞

Oh! One more thing- if you read this far, thank you. Bare with me a little longer and you get to read another exciting chapter!

Those of you that have commented, you're hilarious😭👏 made me laugh and I don't usually laugh at comments unless they're really funny.

Onto the story!


[Name] woke up to the sounds of someone whispering and her eyes wandered to see who it was. She found no one to be in the basement, and winced in pain once she moved her arms. Her eyes watered in memory of what happened, curling up the best she could with chains around her feet and hands.

The whispers got louder and she could finally make out what- who it was.

"You need to leave, [Name]. He's crazy..."

She smiled a little, "yes i know." She answered back to the person.

"I thought...you were dead."

The person sighed at her, flashing a sympathetic smile. "Well..." Soon they began to explain and even gave an escape plan, signal and all.

They gave her one more glance, going up the stairs. The creeks of the boards echoed through the basement walls, the door being opened. The light illuminated the dark basement and just as it lit up, dimmed back after being closed.

"So how do you think the cops got called? Considering you're so sure she didn't call them." The silver-haired male crossed his arms, glaring at his burgundy haired alter ego.

Prisma shook his head, "I don't know! I just know she couldn't have done it!" His face shown frustration, his brows being crinkled and eyes narrowed.

"There's a chance she did."

"Or maybe, I did." The person that came from the basement smirked, staring into Danny's eyes with their dead ones.

"Wh-what the hell?!"

"What do you mean 'what the hell' Danny?" His alter ego twisted his face in confusion, tilting his head.

"Do you not see...them?"

"I knew you were crazy but..."

"Does anyone clean up around here?!" Voltaeire could be heard yelling through the house in irriation.

"Only you can see me. The more we talk, the angrier Voltaeire will get. Good luck~!" They chimed, leaning against the doorframe.

"Danny? What are you-"

"Oi, you blubbering baboons! Get in here this instant!"

Prisma rolled his eyes, pointing towards the direction of the supposed British Gentleman. "I'll go see what he wants." He left the room they were in, which so happened to be the game room.

"Now that we're alone, why do you think I'm here 'Daniel'? Think real hard-"

"Because I killed-"

"Auh auh auh! Tsktsktsk, no one said you could speak. I didn't give you permission!"

Danny tried to grab their throat and squeeze, but no effect came from it. All they did was smile and do the same thing in return. "You can't kill someone who's already dead~!"

He grit his teeth, gasping for air. "See, everyone's tracking you down now. Haha, good luck Daniel~!" They cooed in his ear, shoving him against the wall.

"Being dead has its kicks. Super strength for example. I hope when they catch you...you rot in prison. Better yet, I hope they kill your ass." The bitterness in their voice caused the eighteen year old to grin at them, despite being choked.

Disgust filled their face and they let him go, sighing heavily. They stomped on the floor as if they were a child and glowered at Danny.

He smirked even more, not even noticing the sixteen year old he was holding captive slip by him without making a single sound.

She rushed to the door in a quiet manner, unlocking the door carefully, pulling the door open and leaving to the outside world.

After finally getting out of that dreadful house, [Name] ran the fastest she had ever run in her life
with her head being cloudy.

Oh the fear she felt was immense; it pushed the adrenaline in her veins all the way to her heart and legs.

Her head began to pulsate in pain, slowly developing a headache from the rush.

"[Name], this way!" The spirit called to her, ushering her over to the woods.

"Wh-what's happening? How are you here, Heather?"

"I haven't moved on to...the next life. Neither have Als or Kezzie..."

"I made it out but he'll come for me, Heather. He'll kill my family!"

Heather gave her friend a look of sympathy, causing her to glare. "Stop looking at me like that! Like I'm some..some weakling! Stop taking pity on me! I'm tired of the same look! Even before! That look! Everyone always...looks at me with those eyes..."

She fell to her knees, sobbing.

This had been the first time she let it completely out in a while. It was straining her movements in the slightest.

"I'm sorry." Heather's voice wavered, almost as if she were crying.

[Name] looked up and surely enough, Heather was crying. Sobbing even.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help. I'm sorry I killed them. I'm sorry I feel pity! I'm sorry i was a bad friend that couldn't even see you had feelings for the guy I liked first! I'm sorry I didn't run after you when you slapped me! I'm sorry I got caught trying to run away! I'm sorry!" She sobbed seemingly louder which only made the teen feel bad for her.

"I'm such a fuck up." [Name] chuckled bitterly, holding herself tightly. "I couldn't even save you... let alone myself or our friends...pathetic"

"Pathetic? You wouldn't have killed us no matter the threat. I'm the pathetic one..."

"....what will you do?"

"Try to move on, but first, there's something I must do. Some unfinished business."

"What is it?"

"That's the thing...I don't know."

Danny Phantom Exe|| SUGAR || STORYLINE/ONESHOTSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon