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♡~▪You said "Hey whatcha doing for the rest of your life?" ~▪♡
Don't come back, I don't want you here any more.


You shut off your phone and watched as the cars went by the window along with beautiful scenery. Trees that had sprouting leaves and healthy bark were the best part of the roadsides, but something else caught your eye. It was shiny and its shape was a person.

"Stop the car!" You tap Will's shoulder continuously until he actually pressed the brakes.

He turned his head towards you, raising an eyebrow. "Don't you see that light?" You asked him, to which he glanced over at the same spot you saw the light.

"What is that?" He pulled over on the side of the road, unbuckling his seatbelt along with you.

Both of you got out the car and walked towards the light, squinting as you got closer and closer, until you came face to face with the light. "H-huh?"

The light grinned at you both, "I'm Danny." He slowly morphed into Danny, his hand held out.

"Or should I say- his alter ego." His thick British accent slipped through his lips like a snake.

A smirk creeped on his face as you shook his hand. "[Name]." His smirk widened at the shocked face you made.

"Danny hid me and his other egos from you. My name is- Well I'm sure you know who I am." He paused mid-sentence, only to talk again.

"Voltiaere?" You stare into his eyes, watching to see any change in them.

His eyes flashed red for a second and he chuckled, nodding in confirmation. You looked at Will, only to realize he was passed out. "What the--?"

Voltiaere wrapped his arms around your waist and he slowly lifted you, putting you on his shoulder. He bent down to grab William, putting the male in the backseat. "Now, shall we go to your house?"

"What were you doing out in the woods?" You ignored his question, asking one of your own.

His face fell a bit, "I was waiting for you." He got behind the wheel, buckling the seatbelt.

"Waiting for me? Do you know how to drive?"

Voltiaere gave you a look of offense, gripping the steering wheel. "Of course I do, darling. To answer your first question, yes. I was waiting for you because I sensed you."

"Yes, but what if I didn't come this way?"

Annoyance was clear on the British gentleman's face, but he answered nonetheless. "You would've."

As Voltiaere was driving, you played some classical music and swayed to its elegance and melody.

Danny's alter ego stared at you lovingly, then he frowned. "I can't believe he chose that woman over someone as amazing as yourself." He spoke instead of thinking, freezing in place.

You froze as well. "Wh-what?"

"Nothing, darling. Keep swaying and humming. It was absolutely beautiful and I can't get enough."

Danny Phantom Exe|| SUGAR || STORYLINE/ONESHOTSWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt