29: The Truth Catches Up

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Patrick's P.O.V.

"Patrick!?!? Sierra?!?" A familiar voice rang from behind us.


"What are you doing...?" Pete asked, smirking and leaning on a tree in front of us as he walked into view.

"Sitting." I replied, staring at the damp ground scattered with leaves.

"Oooookay, but don't come crying to me when Eliza leaves you."

"Why would she do that?"

"She thinks you're cheating, Patrick." Pete said, turning and walking back to the party, leaving us in silence.

Once he was out of sight, Sierra turned and looked at me.

"Patrick, you have a wife. You don't love me. You don't need me. Either leave her or stay with her. Not my choice." She said, beginning to walk in the direction of the house.

What do I do?

The question rang through my mind, over and over, until Sierra was gone as well.

I sighed, lying on my back, my damp clothes covered in mud and leaves.

And I thought, until there was nothing left in my small, messed up mind.


I limped into my home, after being beaten up by several men at a bar for drinking most of the club's entire supply of whiskey, and I was wasted.

I came in and saw Eliza on the couch, her face deep in thought as she stared at her laptop.

"I thought you'd never come home." She growled, slamming it.

"This is the fourth time this week Patrick!!!" My wife yelled in an annoyed tone.


A stinging feeling hit my cheek as she slapped me hard, making me fall to the floor.

"You're such a fucking bastard, you know that Patrick?"

"Well I'm SORRY. Drama queeen." I laughed in a mocking tone, stumbling into the kitchen.

Eliza let out an enraged yell, punching the wall with all her force.


The September air was cold on my cheeks as I walked out of the courthouse, my scarf coiled around my neck.

We had just filed me and Eliza's divorce papers and it was final.

We were over.

I walked to a small café down the road, and walked into the warm room, the smell of coffee beans and pastries filling my nose.

I removed my leather coat, slinging it over my arm and walking up the the countertop to order a drink.

I was greeted by a short girl with brown flowing hair that the tips were dyed a dark maroon, which blended perfectly with the rest of it. Her bangs hung over her right eye, and a black beanie was placed on her head.

She looked up at me, her brown-green eyes sparkling.

"Oh.... Patrick..." Sierra said with a blush.

How awkward...

"I'll take a large coffee, extra sugar, and if you don't mind, can we talk?" I asked, scratching the back of my head awkwardly.

"'Course..." She said and flashed a quick smile as I lead her to a table in the corner.

Me & You ((Patrick Stump))Where stories live. Discover now