19: It's Gonna Get Better

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Sierra's P.O.V.

So I moved to Cape Cod with my sister Abby and her boyfriend Jackson, and I wasn't really excited to leave Roxie and everybody, but me and Gerard kept a healthy long distance relationship.

I was pretty depressed when I was there, because of my mom and all that, but for my twentieth birthday, Abby got me a beautiful white German Shepard puppy which I named Whisper, and a train ticket back to my home, Chicago.

When I got back to Chicago, I began living with Roxie in her apartment, sharing an important moment with Gerard which had formed a band called My Chemical Romance with Frank, his brother Mikey, and his friends Ray and Bob.

And Brendon, Spencer, Dallon, a guy named Ryan, and some dude named Jonathan, had started a band called Panic! At The Disco.

Also, Hayley, now has a band called Paramore.

Sheesh, all my friends are famous, and I heard Fall Out Boy is a huge hit, which is great for that asshole Patrick.

Just great.

My entire room is covered in Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Panic!, My Chem, and old rock and roll Posters and merch.

My hair now fades to light blonde instead of red, and I have a tattoo of the Fall Out Boy symbol on my upper back, which people look at me thinking I'm weird, but I grew up with them, they're important to me. Besides that ass hat Patrick.

I've been really depressed also, cutting, stuff like that.

I also feel really fat.

Because when I look at myself in the mirror, I have a slight muffin top, my legs are fat, and I'm just plain out ugly.

No wonder Patrick hates me.

I looked away from the mirror in disappointment, and sighed, sitting on my bed next to a sleeping white beast.

Whisper whined and put her head on my lap, licking my hand.

I smiled and hugged her while she licked my swollen face from all my tears.

I smiled and felt my phone vibrate next to me.

1 new message from Roxie Wentz

Going to subway, want anything?

To: Roxie Wentz

Yea, I don't care what though,

I stuffed my phone in my pocket, sighing a little and getting up.

I made my way into our tiny kitchen, turning on the stovetop to boil the water.

I grabbed a lemon tea bag from the cupboard and plopped it on the counter, I need some music up in here.

I plugged my iPod into the radio and turned on my music, The Black Parade by MCR bursting through the speakers.

I sang along as I poured the boiling water into my favorite Zelda mug.

I plopped the teabag into my mug and sloshed it around for a minute, the door making a clicking noise behind me.

"Sup?" My best friend and roommate said plopping a sub in front of me.

"Ham and cheese, nothing special," She said taking out her steak and cheese.

"Cool," I said unwrapping it, but something in the back of my head made me hesitate.

Stop Sierra,

It told me.

You don't need food.

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